well i quit WoW back at the beginning of Cata and then i came back becouse i thought it would be fun to play again since BFA was just about ready to launch! i played it and i lvled 2 pallys and a mage a rogue to 120 and now it dec i find it hard just to log in becouse its just not fun at all! im not in to Ap grinding and rep grinding! theirs not a whole lot to do in the world as a max lvl other then raid or do dungons and the lack of open world content is non existent other then the couple world boss’s, and i cant farm the for BiS because RNG is always against us, they make it like that so they can keep the carrot on a stick The GCD makes me sick because EVERY SPELL IS CONECTED TO GCD, blizzard really messed this game up good! i believe their not gonna recover from this, and darker times are comming to WoW, i’ed rather not put my money in to a company like blizzard who dosnt even care about feed back and will not respond to us untill the next patch or expansion. the art team did a helll of a job but the azarite armor and AP grind ruined my experience coming back to WoW, plus from what i seen with sharding and loot sharing in Classic is just gonna make classic feel like current WoW and is gonna be the same so no point in coming back for that. i don’t think i’ll be comming back for another 10 years, Cata is a lot beter then this waist of time (BFA). their gonna have to rehaul this whole game if they wanna keep their current subs but even then i dont think any body will wanna stay! they might keep 1 server open for asmondgold but thats about it. now i know why i left in Cata its because thats when i noticed the MMO i was playing was turning in to a Theme Park MMO and this is where my ride with WoW Ends, maybe if they turned WoW in to back in to a sandbox mmo it might be fun again! but until then im done with it! so take care WoW and thanks for the memory’s from when i first started…
farewell every one and good bye
Another misinformed player, smh… ofc its an MoA too. As much as I love seeing MoA casuals in misfortune, there’s some blatant acts of false information that I will not stand for.
Alright Vanilla Fact time:
1 Shading in vanilla will only happen for the first zones so players can actually spread out. After that Blizzard swears its never happening again.
2 Loot sharing is 100% not a thing idk where you even got that lol.
3 As for WoW’s Subs, since it requires a sub to play vanilla they will be just fine. Its estimated that over the course of 6 months more accounts will be playing Vanilla than live for many reasons you listed.
Don’t throw Vanilla down the drain because you arnt happy with activision blizzard, Vanilla will stay true to its name and probably be the only thing keeping the lights on for WoW devs till they release BC servers in 3 more years.
What’s wrong with MoA? I have been in this guild since legion. Large, lots of players to always do content with, active and generous schedule, fun people.
Ask your GM about me <3.
There is a button on your keyboard that either says “enter” or “return”. Try using it sometimes. Maybe the next time you come back to WoW you’ll read this post and get my formatting tip. Good day!