I am at ilvl 450 .. why can't I trade crests?

I want to turn in 90 whelp crests for 15 drake crests. My gear is: pve 453 and pvp 450. I still can’t trade and there is no advancement because of it! Nothing I use can benefit from the whelp crests. Help please.

You have the achievement for it already, are you sure you’re talking to the correct vendor in the Dream encampment?

Probably safe to assume you aren’t at the cap for Drake crests.

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The requirement isn’t a character ilvl of 450, it was 450 in every slot.

So you’re likely using some items that are below 450, and some higher, and it’s averaging out.


I know that achievement is character specific, so it’s possible they are talking about a different character than the one they are posting on.

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It could be, but the lowest item level I saw equipped on the posting character was 463.

Only other thing I can think of is the upgrade track for the lowest pieces. If some of them are veteran track it may still count against them.

If it is that character, they are probably not looking at the right vendor, as they are almost able to trade drakes for wyrms on that one (just 2 left on the cape).

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Based on:

You’ve unlocked this almost 3 months ago.

The achievement (Dreaming of Drakes) will show for any character on the same license that initially earned it – my bank alts show it in their achievements as well.

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What vendor are you using? AFAIK, the only vendor that offers this trade-up is the crest vendor in the Emerald Dream Central Encampment, Vaskarn. (The version of Vaskarn in the Emerald Dream. The NPC is also present in Loamm, but that copy doesn’t do Season 3 crests at all.)


I did try to post on my current character but she isn’t among the selections. BUT I think it is because I don’t have 450 is every slot on that character. THANK YOU for solving this problemo! :smiley:

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