I am a streamer, Face the Simple Truth; I deserved Beta, you didn't

Hey, ever since the states required passports i haven’t set foot in the states lol, but i do have to deal with A lot of obnoxious teenagers every weekend downtown.

Nobody cares. Okay, so then why did you feel the need to justify a response? Why do countless people point out legitimate criticism about the guy? Why does anyone do anything? We’re all going to die so we just need to kill ourselves the moment we’re aware of that fact. No point dragging it out if it’s all meaningless anyway.

Do you have ANY idea how absurd you sound for such an ignorant statement? If you can’t apply that attitude towards EVERYTHING then there’s no weight behind your opinion if it’s going to be so limited in scope.


Well, much love from your southern neighbors anyway. Sorry about the Detroit leakage.

Why do people like you keep crying like petulant children and flooding the forums with toxicity?

More importantly… haven’t they realized that isn’t what this thread is about anymore?

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:rofl: that sounds so terrible. Side note: Had a lady from flint in who was being obnoxious so i offered her a case of water from the back.


You did what now? I’m confused.

Flint Michigan has a water crisis, their water is practically poison undrinkable or it was. so i offered her a case of clean bottled water as a joke.


How’d she take it?

It still is. I mean it’s flint…

About as well as you might expect, i almost got fired but i felt justified with how much she was complaining about seating and waiting and the lighting.

Good show, old man. :slight_smile:

Then i feel even more justified lol

I was going to be fired i know that, then the manager talked to her came back to me and said, you’re good man just stay back here til she leaves. lol

Oh, I’m sorry. I grew up being taught that if you’re a jerk, you’re going to be TREATED as one. By the people white-knight’ing the person who is LITERALLY A SOCIOPATH, I can point out everyone who didn’t get their hides tanned when they were children.


That moment when the managers are also human beings. My god dude… you’re lucky.

you have no idea how lucky.

I got my hide tanned plenty. If anything it just made me stop caring what people thought.

Well… not entirely.

Don’t watch streamers then? Why are you still crying? I don’t get it… your pathetic attempt to get blizzard to stop giving streamers preferntial falls on deaf ears outside of your echo chamber.

He is definitely real. I enjoyed watching him through start of beta.