I am a streamer, Face the Simple Truth; I deserved Beta, you didn't

Streaming ends up being about one thing, streamers themselves.

  1. Dialogue from a sodapoppin stream:

Sodapoppin: “Well, I hate to say the truth, I know this is gonna really hurt your feelings, but as a streamer I reach out to more than just myself because I have a million followers.”

Sodapoppin: "I stream their games and get paid for it. I’m literally like… a professional streamer, i know that hurts your feelings, I know you’re really upset, you’re probably going to bi* on Reddit but the truth is I’m a streamer therefore I do get benefits. Simple as that. It is the truth. I know. I’m sorry"**

  1. Dialogue from Asmongold confirming he abuses reports (7:00 in ) and whines about the game being hard to stream because he gets donations and they distract him so he can’t relax (12:00 mins in)

Asmongold the streamer basically confirming the 10 reasons streamers can destroy servers.

  1. Esfand has a twitch stream telling people to get over it if they didn’t get in. It’s not about him or anyone else, it’s about the test, This is true in fact, but the problem is he says this as he sits there streaming the test accepting donations. The only reason he is streaming is because it’s necessary so that the rest of the community can see the stress test. He is only streaming to help the community. What a saint.

  1. People saying you are jealous? Don’t buy it. The truth is, streamers are jealous. Streamers whining they didnt get as much attention as Asmongold. Btw Esfand, I thought that you and your friends were only streaming for the betterment of the community? why would it matter if asmongold had more streamers.


  1. As I personally didn’t want to play beta, but here’s something for those who did… Props to Tipsout for honesty and being a good guy

5;50 acknowledging it wasn’t necessarily fair, 5:50 Acknowledges Content Creators aren’t necessarily there to test the beta, which is the purpose. This personally doesn’t bother me as I cared not to play beta, but it was a concern for many.

The more research I do on streamers, the more entitled many of them seem. Funny part is, I don’t care if they stream beta, never did. I don’t want beta or I will burnout. I was happy with a level 5 stress test. Streaming itself isn’t the problem. Streaming CLassic WOW is the problem because classic wow has a fixed community server unlike games like fortnite or LOL in which the game ends and you can go play another one without a fixed world. Not all streamers are the problem either. Some of them are nice. But regardless of who it is, if it’s a big streamer they will affect your server play if they are with you. That is not fair to the rest of the 3k- 8999k players (3k x 3 layers) of the players on the server merely so these guys can make some money. It could detract from other player’s experiences who are here to play out of pure joy for the game (not for money).

Included the quotes and videos to show people that there is indeed ample evidence of streamer issues that will actually affect the launch experience. I found all of these within 15 minutes of searching. There were many other quotes and videos showing how detrimental streaming on a classic WoW server can be.

-----------------Edit 5/29-------Streamer servers hidden

Asmongold and esfand and others have admitted in stream just now they are going to hide their servers until launch, which means you now have no way of knowing if you are avoiding streamers. Unfortunately, if you are unlucky enough to RNG on a streamer server, You will be feeling their impacts regardless of whether or not they intend them. Pray to the good lord you don’t wind up on Asmongold’s or sodapoppin’s server.

Please watch 10 reasons to avoid streamers and now know you have no way of even weeding out which servers these streamers will play on, which was the only way of actually avoiding these folks. The only defense for people to avoid streamers.


I mean…what re you going to do about it?


We’ve known this since Swifty crashed a server. There are good and bad streamers, and I personally want to avoid every single one.


Hating streamers won’t make them go away. I guess I don’t understand the point of this topic?


You know how oil Barons are elite and untouchable members of Russian society and they can do what they want, supported by the government? Streamers are like that and they can do what they want.

You honestly just have to accept it like Russian citizens have.


I’ll say it 50 more times. Put them on an advertisement server that has no CRZ nor layers. People who choose to play on this server make the decision like pvp, RP, or pve.

Their hordes of followers can crash their own server. Leave me out.


The more research I do on streamers, the more greedy they seem.

Greedy? There is a demand for the service they provide as evidenced by their tens of thousands of viewers. You can watch a streamer for free, any streamer. They only make money from subscriptions and donations, which people only give them if they like them.

Streamers are providing a service people want. I like watching them play beta and they’re entertaining while they do it. If nobody liked them they wouldn’t have viewers.

I don’t see the point of this post or any other anti-streaming post. BTW None of the things you tried to quote them to demonize them have that effect at all.


to form KAOS- Kill All Online Streamers (In game of course, no real threats). KAOS is the online credo of the classic WoW community to organize agaisnt the negative affects of a streamer coming to a server. It is a philosophy of life. It tis the way of the samurai.

And i don’t hate them, I dislike what they are doing. I don’t even hate Asmongold. who appears to be the most truthful of the lot. But I dislike a streamer affecting other’s experience to fill their own coffers. Some streamers have stated they will keep their server a secret, so it may not even be possible to avoid them. You get stuck on a server with one of these guys you have to transfer off or create a new toon on a new server. And what if a streamer eventually transfers over there?


Sorry to say it but he is right you know. And then you prove him right again by making a forum post…streamers are better suited for beta testing and promoting the game at the same time than your average joe beta tester. I guess if you are better suited for something because of a “career” you have created yourself, makes you “privileged” and thus should be shammed into mediocrity. You must be one sad sad person.


Fair enough. I’ll change it to entitled.

Greedy is because they will indeed negatively impact people on servers but they still stream anyhow, so that they can receive donations. That is why.

Demonize, such strong words. There is no language of hatred or name calling in my posts or response. There often is that in many of the streamer defenders throw out when coming to these forums. It was a logical post with supported evidence. But we can agree to disagree. You were fair and thoughtful in your response.


I like to believe that some streamers and youtubers genuinely try to make good, but the majority are hiding behind masks while they feed their own ego and greed. Its just the traits of the human race spreading further with no control.


remember the Nostalrius team met with blizzard, they are the ones that helped bring back classic.
The streamers did not contribute in this at all.


I am sad Rektium, I am very sad indeed. But I don’t want to play the beta, so you are wrong about that part :). No entitlement here. In addition, I never voiced an opinion about streamers on beta, in fact I said I didn’t care.

Please just make sure ya get it right like you did about the sad part :).

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What a lot of people don’t realize about Asmongold is that attitude he has, that ungrateful, tell-it-like-it-is elitist attitude he exudes is just a character he portrays on stream. People hear Asmongold tell a story about scamming people or how he’s going to abuse the right-click reporting feature and what not and they take that as literal. They don’t realize he’s acting like that because it’s a character his viewers expect from him.

Sodapoppin is telling the truth. This beta isn’t about ironing out the bugs. That’s what the stress test that was open to the public was for. This closed beta test is to generate hype for Classic in an attempt to possibly get people to resubscribe to WoW, either now in hopes of getting into the beta, or at the end of August when Classic comes out. People like Sodapoppin and Asmongold realize this.

Esfand can go screw himself however. Telling people to get over it is bull and he knows it. I know damn well that if Esfand didn’t get into the beta along with all the other streamers that his fat Mario-lookin’ butt would be on stream and YouTube whining about being singled out by Blizzard. He knows damn well it isn’t about the test, and if he truly believes that then he’s as dumb as his mustache.


Exacta! Elysium, along with the classic community, along with other people who played a role such as the old lead team WoW DEV guy.


never heard of you…must be a no name streamer. like …bottom of the barrel material :rofl:

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The slime on the bottom of the barrel in fact. Please do get it right sir goblin. I am a hustler through and through. I can out engineer you, and out hustle you too!


Yet none of them play with their combat logs out. Amazing.


Fair enough white, fair enough.

Maybe there’s some context missing, but while he is right, he’s also being a jerk about it.
But again, we don’t know the context.

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