I used to click in MoP PvP. I didn’t have an MMO mouse or knew one existed. Don’t feel bad at all for clicking; we all start somewhere!
As a left hander player I have a difficult time with keybinds sometimes.
Everyone still has to wait for the global cooldown, clicking or not.
You can pound that keybind all you want but you aren’t doing anything until the cooldown is up.
I use W A S D to move and strafe and mouse to move the camera/turn.
My hands are small and I’ve tried a few multi button mice but I get hand craps from it after awhile.
My mouse wheel is bound, forward is tab target, back is previous target.
I have a few binds here and there, I make it work.
People who click are ALPHA as hell, if you can’t play with out your macros then you beta. Clicking is a harder challenge and more rewarding.
jk jk jk
Im a clicker and i enjoy it lol don’t need to go crazy for macro but im also a casual that does not push any crazy high content.
It’s really a matter of setting it up and getting used to it.
I have my mouse speed turned way up, I can move my mouse halfway across the screen with just a twitch. My hand doesn’t really move, it’s all finger movement.
And my buttons are sized a bit bigger so they are much easier to hit.
Most of the time I am hovering my curser over the ability well before the cooldown is up.
It’s like anything else, set up and practice.
You can be a good player and a clicker at the same time.
However, I’ve taught some people how to switch to keybindings, and encouraged them to try it, and the ones that have tried it seriously always realize it feels so much better to play that way. Some might still click a cooldown or a consumable, but once they keybind their core spells, it’s a game changer for them.
I keybind and now I am playing with the default mouseover stuff and it is very satisfying with certain classes and specs.
You guys need to learn how to utilize shift and control with your keybinds then.
Or did you both assume you were limited to 1-9, 0, -, and = and couldn’t rebind stuff like RTFGVB, as well as button combinations such as Shift+R, Control+C, etc?
Hell, on my mage, I generally have one of my mouse buttons set to Blink (M4). My mage is Night Fae, so I’ve also got Soulshape/Flicker set to the same button via Shift+M4.
The first advice I give to people that want to try spell binding is to bind A and D to strafe. You don’t need them to turn your character around.
That alone frees up Q and E, which are perfect for spells you need to use often.
I usually bind [Q], [Shift+Q], [E], [Shift + E], [Shift + W] and [R] to my main rotational spells. Then I use [Z], [X], [C] and [V] for stuff that isn’t used often, but need to be used as a quick reaction (My thumb is always waiting for its chance to intervene).
[T] and [Shift+T] are my niche utility buttons.
[F] and [Shift+F] I reserve for Crowd Control exclusively, and a button on my mouse to interrupts.
Then all the numbers are used for other stuff, like cooldowns, trinkets, etc.
Or they could get so e foot pedal to use as modifiers too if they can’t use them with their hands. Not everyone has great elite keyboard hands.
I’m not trying to flame you or anything but you should really give using keybinds a try.
It will feel weird at first and you’ll probably do worse for a bit, but it will be a lot better when you get the hang of it.
Just know that by being a clicker you are objectively worse at the game than if you weren’t.
I used to be a clicker way back in TBC/Wrath era… but then I learned how to keybind and man how it improved my gaming experience.
I’m not judging, you wanna click go for it… but for me keybinding, macros, mouse overs etc are very much a positive.
I don’t usually see anyone saying it’s not ok to click, rather you are hard capping your performance if you do. People have always been and continue to be able to be as bad at the game as they want
Its funny on my healer i have mouse over macros for every heal spell, but my tank i am a clicker lol
Are you people serious? I see “I was a clicker before getting a gaming mouse” and other half key bind comments…
I have a gaming mouse with some key binds… I use shift and ctrl and alt even to alter CLICKS and even have macros… and I can move a cursor and click faster then my 32% Haste+Buffs can Cool down any ability… I always assumed when people said "key bind everything they weren’t even using the mouse anymore lol Why the hell would you key bind so much and still use a mouse? GET BETTER AT USING A MOUSE! I feel like you are all just Macro Controller users hating on the Mouse and Keyboard.
Key binding just reminds me of all these fail PvP players putting their combos on one button and when it breaks they just stand there and die LOL
Same here. I can’t keybind everything comfortably so I click long CDs like lust. It also keeps me from hitting the keybind accidentally.
Yes! I only tab-target in very specific situations, like to pick up an add in raid where I’m guaranteed to get the right mob. Good luck tab targeting in Gambit.
That gave me tendinitis. I play with an Azeron keypad now to protect my hand. It gives me 20 keybinds, which is enough for most but not all of my abilities/consumables.
TBH It’s kind of annoying that 20 keybinds isn’t enough to play the game nowadays. There is so much button bloat.
Two dozen key binds should be enough for any game.
Bloat… That is a good work for it.
I find I can manage with an MMO mouse that is more key than mouse and a dedicated WASD binder board, which in total nets me 30 binds without having to knit my fingers.
My Hot keys have hot keys. Holy has so many buttons for so many different situations it’s hard to even have enough hot bars for them all so I made macros with button modifiers and set those extra top buttons on my mouse that were for DPI changes to the alt and shift keys so I can have up to three spells per macro button!
But I can’t be a clicker as I have too many @cusror heals
I use an MMO mouse in the other hand. That’s where my demons and curses live on the warlock. I can map most stuff on pure DPS classes.
The hybrids are where it becomes a nightmare. Heals on MMO mouse, but I still have DPS abilities I need in M+, CC, interrupts, shapeshifts on the druid (macros help), utility totems on the shaman, movement abilities, covenant abilities, pots, and healthstones.
I really miss the “square of totems” days when I had one or two keybinds for key totem setups and one for recall. The class was a lot more fun and less fiddly.
Keep clicking and backpeddling homies