I, a dog person. wants to see cat people allied race

Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG FFXIV?

That is called Final Fantasy 14.

It’s just a shame the game hasn’t reflected that we have new neighbors running around. After all they’re probably killing all the native fauna, using the land as their personal litter box, scratching the bark off of all the trees!

I’m a huge cat lover and it shocks me how unwilling people are to accept that cats are pests. They’ve culled local wildlife populations to an alarming degree and continue to reproduce litter by litter every year because people think kittens are cute and refuse to fix their animals. If you are really a cat lover, you would be 100% against them being outside, for both their safety and the environment’s.


GW2 Charr, I love everything about them.

No thanks. I’m not a fan of what this post is truly implying. “No mercy!”


They look bad. Hrothgar look cool.

Other than the legs being human looking I can’t really see any difference at all between Hrothgar and Saberon.

Their faces are absolutely fuggs though so I guess they have that going for them?

Hrothgar and Feral Druid is right there waiting for you.

They don’t get them fixed because it’s expensive. Some jerk dropped a bunch of female kittens off at my house, probably because I have a huge 45x120’ barn, and figured they would just blend with the already existing barn cats.

Problem with that is I don’t have cats because I have dogs that would kill them. I called around to shelters and told them what happened to me and none of them would take the kittens because they were full.

So I decided to do the right thing and keep them, hoping my barn is so big that they could easily escape my dogs. I called around to vet offices to see if I could get some help. I told them these kittens were abandoned at my house and the shelters were full so I was going to keep them and could they give me a discount or something to get them fixed. Nope, $150 a pop.

A neighbor that owned a dairy farm took them off my hands. I know he didn’t get them fixed either. I wish the US gov would care more about the cat problem and help people out with the cost of getting these animals fixed. I was not going to spend $750 on animals that didn’t even belong to me.

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Honestly, YES. It doesn’t have to be a cat, just a human like body with ears and a tail. Could be wolf/fox/cat I don’t care. I have fluffy ears and a tail I sometimes wear in real life. Honestly the cat like race is the only thing that makes me tempted to play FFXIV

The cow has spoken!


Why not have a cat race in WoW . Alliance have Worgen . Horde should have a cat race .

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Yeah. I was going to edit my comment talking about the price of spaying/neutering but figured it was too much to add into an edit.

It’s the sad reality. It’s too much of a burden to do what’s right so they ultimately get set loose to grow up and create more kittens. There is a mobile TNR program where I live that will fix them for free, but the wait list is so long it’s not even worth trying. Sadly, it is so much more practical to exterminate them as they are seriously harmful to native wildlife. Equally as sadly, people won’t allow that to happen because they put their personal feelings before environmental concerns.

People, keep your cats inside. It’s much safer for them indoors, and you should just refrain from getting cats if you aren’t willing to do that.


They do the same thing with “wild” horses.

There are no “wild” horses in the US. There’s only one place in the world you can find them and I think it’s Russia. The feral horses that live out west are a plague but too many people grew up watching “Spirit” and put their personal feelings into that issue too.

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I 'm an aardvark person so I’m not sure what I want.

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Druids? They can turn into cats when needed.

Saberon should be the next AR for sure.

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Faster than a speeding

i dont think cat people would save wow. id rather see classic creatures such as murloc, ogre, naga, kobold, gnoll, much more likely to entice people i think.