I, a dog person. wants to see cat people allied race

Let’s not cater to that group more than already has been.

I’ve been asking for a cat race for a while, but they really should make saberon for horde and a medium sized feline race for the alliance. The alliance toons could be based on vulpera model, only they should be larger.

Or give horde half ogre and base it on kultiren.

Cat people is more FFXIV thing like got Diet Furry Cat people and Furry Cat people nows :dracthyr_nod:

Because cats are an invasive species that destroy entire ecosystems.

Then why do my Mums cats never stop meowing, shedding everywhere, scattering their food across the floor and throwing up right where people are walking?

No instead they use an expensive thing called a litterbox which quickly stinks out the room its in.

Last I checked cats don’t clean up their shedding or clean up their litter box.

One of my Mums cat very much does this he will jump on my lap uninvited covering me in his fur and start licking me with his barbed tongue.

Then why do these two cats keep whining at me for attention like one of the would wine every time she saw me when I was the only one in the house for a week.

Lol no they’re not if they want your attention they will demand it and if they do not they will become extremely vicious if they feel like your disturbing them.

There is actually many reasons to do so and I hope more states in Australia follow Western Australias example where under the BAM act feral cats are considered a pest.

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WoW has saberon, just need them.

Noooo, large feline race, Tol’Vir.

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Maybe I just have abnormal cats but my dog is the calm one and she has no litter box that needs to be cleaned.


Imagine if they just give the dracthyr treatment to Saberon. Skinny alley cat syndrome.

Still pissy I didn’t get my bulky dragon/drakenoid plate tank this xpac…you know…like every other fantasy franchise has done. Screw resonance, we march to the beat of our own drum here.

I’m pretty sure the Vulpera are cats in disguise.

It’s the only way I can make sense of their caravans covered in dog tails and the constant homelessness.

Foxes are canines so no they are Dogs.

Yeah okay. We’re on to you.

wants to see cat people allied race

no, please, no ESO races lol…

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In legion there was a talent that turned feral druids into sabron.

That was the only time I ever played a dps spec.


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Khajiit has wares yes


Nah, they’re currently still working on their Space goat meets vampire gnome Twilight fan fiction

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

Final Fantasy XIV is right there waiting for you.

Anyone remember the Vah Shir from Everquest?
Cat people FROM THE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON :last_quarter_moon_with_face: :last_quarter_moon_with_face: :last_quarter_moon_with_face:

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Get Jaina to open a portal to Eorzea and cat-nap a few Hrothgar.

You never know, some of the Draenor races made it through the portal when Mag’har Orcs became playable.

I really hope we see more Draenor races and creatures on Azeroth.

It’s would cool to see what happened to the Azermyst Islands a 100 years from now from when the Draenei got there. Probably a unique clash environment.

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No! She needs to use that energy so I can go and save Leorajh and any other Saberon from Yrel! (And all those other peons I kinda left behind in my garrison.)

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Some of us want actual cats not humans wearing ears.


I remember a few Saberon made it through to our world when we evacuated the Mag’har orcs. Orgrimmar’s Invasive Species Council must be piiiiissed.