I’m sure you “woke” people don’t care but…

You dare consider multiple sides before joining in the tirade?

How dare you…

Burn stuff down then give it some thought.

Yes it is, because this entire post and its “it happened no one lies, they are guilty” mentality is discrimation against men…

Yes let’s fight supposed discrimation against women, with discrimation against men.

So out of touch with reality it’s unbelievable.

Which BTW the lawsuit is a past event, that happened, not is happening. The lawsuit is happening, but the Harrasment real or not, is in the past.

Your sexism your spewing is the current event.

And this isn’t like what you compared it as because “we need to focus on stopping Sexism against women, then we will worry about Men” that is litteraly sexism right there. That’s my point, your trying to use sexism to stop sexism. That’s not how you stop sexism…

Same applies to the Dude with the BLM comment, same deal there. My Black wife is constantly fighting with people on Twitter about that, Black people can be racist, whether they want to believe it or not, and the frequently spew racism in effort to stop racism.

Quite a bit of difference between those two analogies. I dont think there’s anyone who literally thinks it doesn’t exist. but there are many people who have observed that perhaps there is some shady business going on, and we definitely overreacted.

Anyone who thinks they know how all [race] people act and feel is an egotistical fool.

All members of any group, let alone a group with millions of people in it, like a race, don’t feel or act or live the same. They don’t want the same thing. They don’t have the same ideals, or the same goals, or the same problems.

It’s utterly ridiculous to say, [race] people want or act or feel like this. One would only say that if their scope was so narrow as to assume everyone thinks and lives the same as they do. It’s a narrow scope courtesy of too much social media, too much television, and too many stereotypes. There are plenty of [race] people who don’t give a crap about politics, social issues or anything like that. Plenty of [race] people don’t even pay attention to the news or the latest “movements”.

What a pre-pubescent idea, “all [race] people are in a rage”. Like, literally, one with four-year-old intellect would come up with that. You gonna go through life with that chip? I warn you, if you do, every bad thing that happens to you will be attributed in your mind to your race (pulled over, lost a job, girl dumped you.) And so the nonsense will be perpetuated. Choose to stop.

And pick more positive quotes, like:

“Small chance a smart brother’s gonna be a victim of his own circumstance.” --Chuck D.

It’s not that no one lies. It’s that these particular claims are being backed by former employees who have nothing to gain by backing them:

You’re the one who’s out of touch with reality if you think the state would waste money bringing a lawsuit against a giant company with the means to buy a top notch group of defense attorneys if they didn’t think they had the evidence to secure a favorable judgement.

As far as the whole BLM thing that was going on, I agree that everyone is racist, but at the time, the biggest problem that was brought to the fore was the systemic racism against black people that is so rampant that a cop wasn’t even phased when killing a man in broad daylight by kneeling on his neck. Injecting “All Lives Matter” into the conversation is like complaining about the the hole that the firefighters put in the wall while trying to salvage a burning building. It’s simply not constructive.

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It’s simple. If these incidents weren’t true and were lack of evidence, California wouldn’t file a lawsuit against Blizzard. Remember, it’s a two- year investigation. The government pretty much hold ample evidence to prove if Blizzard is guilty for their past or now. Anyone who can read can simply tell that things are going south for Blizzard.

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Outrage is not an emotional response. Therefore, everyone has the prerogative to feel outraged for their own reasons and according to their own standards.

Why anyone would trust something coming from the government of CA is a great question. These people if they could fudge the numbers on crime absolutely would. Their cities are ruins and they talk as though everything is great with people sleeping on sidewalks.

The idea that all these men sat around drinking while delegating the work to the women reeks of imaginary boogeymen that will absolutely not hold up in court. This is where we separate the allegations from the truth. Reveal the CA government for what it actually is which is a cesspool of corruption.

Spoken like a die-hard conspiracy theorist. As if they’re going to bring these allegations without multiple witnesses to back up the claim. It doesn’t matter if every single female employee past and present backs up the claim on the stand. You’ll just say they were all lying because you’ve hypocritically prejudged the case before it’s even gone to trial. I’ll bet you still think that Trump won in Arizona and Georgia, too.


Lol @ trying to tell me, a black person that my race is irrelevant and I should “focus on my culture” when as a black person so many aspects of my culture are literally born from our way of adapting to such a life and growing past it. I’m not sure if you’re tone deaf or trolling but w/e.

Most things that exist “for” black people exist because we weren’t welcome in nonblack spaces and had to carve our own. However, your pointless rant manages to miss my point that the term “Woke” at least to me was a term used to describe an angry at the man, socially conscious black person. If you’re not all of those three things then the term literally has no application to you and getting up in arms about it is pointless.

I really love how you resorted to insulting me and calling a quote used for context prepubescent without actually trying to understand what I’m saying.

I used a quote.

A quote by a prominent Black Author. A quote I’m using specifically to explain the term woke and it’s origins. At least, it’s origins in AAVE. Prepubescent is your ridiculous Knee-Jerk reaction to me explaining the terms and trying to “school” me on how I should feel or the meanings of a quote instead of using context and nuance, two things they teach in what? Third grade?

Baldwin’s quote refers to social consciousness. It’s not saying black people are always angry; it’s talking about rage born of oppression and discrimination.

Nah. I’m perfectly capable of accepting responsibility for my own failings while understanding that some things are a result of racial injustice and fighting to end institutionalized racism. It has nothing to do with the imaginary chip you think I have on my shoulder.

This quote isn’t relative to the context I was using the James Baldwin Quote, but sure let’s look at Chuck D a moment. Do you actually know what he stands for? Or works to achieve?

Brother’s Gonna work it out is from the Album Fear of a Black Planet. An album that covers various topics from problems within the black community to systemic oppression. The song you’re quoting is specifically aimed at the black coming together and uplifting each other despite a world that’s against them.

The funny thing is, the system that Chuck D. Encourages people to rise against in his song, and the source of anger that James Baldwin mentioned are one and the same.

Yes in what her 4 month tenure XD

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