I’m sure you “woke” people don’t care but…

my brain hurts from this ridiculous mental gymnastics routine

after they start investigating once its being reported they don’t go “hey its a year later and we have nothing so lets spend another year”

the ones on the case would be updating the “decision makers” rather constantly, do you know a job that doesn’t check up on your for year or two?

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They lose all the time because the evidence they deem sufficient to file turns out to not be sufficient. Summary dismissal happens a lot.

You are pretending that the AGs office filing a case is akin to a verdict.

Sure, but I think the point is that if there were nothing here, they wouldn’t have spent two years investigating it followed by a lawsuit.

It’s circumstantial evidence that supports the hypothesis that the allegations made by California are legitimate. It does not fully prove it, but it does support it.

Well, this doesn’t address my initial response to you so I’m going to say it one more time:

Please quote me as saying that rather than put words in my mouth.

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Is blizzard going to trial or are the going to settle?

And then if Blizzard were found to be guilty, they’d immediately flip and say “the law has run it’s course, they were judged, time to move on, give them a 2nd chance, etc etc”.

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The authority and duties of a Clerk of the Court.

  • Issuing post-judgment debt collection process.
  • Issuing subpoenas on behalf of pro se parties (i.e. for self-represented non-lawyer litigants).
  • Determining if filing formalities have been met and a document can be filed, or if it will be rejected.
  • Determining an appropriate filing fee in cases of ambiguity.
  • Approving uncontested informal probate filings, and entering orders and letters for the executor (a clerk with this authority usually has special training and the additional title of “registrar”).
  • Issuing a “clerk’s default” or even a full default judgment when a deadline to a civil complaint is not timely filed, or in response to post-judgment collection process.
  • Determining if a bill of costs for a prevailing party in a civil case is valid and should be added to a judgement.
  • Accepting bonds in civil and criminal cases that meet safe harbor requirements.
  • Accepting bonds in criminal cases prior to a court setting bond where the court has approved a set schedule of bond amounts for certain offenses.
  • Determining if a supposed “emergency” filing will be referred to a “duty judge” for immediate action.
  • Releasing money held by a court after a satisfaction of judgment has been filed in a case.
  • Scheduling hearings after consultation with all parties of record or pursuant to a standing court policy.
  • Registering foreign judgments if everything seems to be in order.
  • Determining if a document that the clerk has been authorized to sign by a judge conforms to the court’s order authorizing the signature.
  • Cancelling hearings and trials on a court calendar pursuant to a court-wide policy due to pandemics and weather conditions and giving notice to those affected.
  • A great many matters related to summoning jurors and excusing or deferring jurors from serving, before a juror in question is seated in a particular case.
  • Management of court facilities (snow removal, cleaning, IT service, etc.)
  • Supervising security measures in a court house (some clerks are also ex-officio appointed as the bailiff, the court official in charge of court security).

The only thing relevant to what you said, is that Clerks do have the authority to toss out petitions under specific circumstances. Clerks do not have the authority to toss out filings because they believe they are either frivolous or without merit. Court Clerks will toss out your filings, for one reason and one reason only; you did not fill out the paperwork properly. And even then, they are giving your petition back to you, in order for it to be corrected. That’s it. Any and everything presented to them, as long as the forms are filled out correctly, must be filed.

You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, and your doubling down in your ignorance only further proves the OP’s point.

Please read entire thread. Thanks!

I think a much more likely outcome is Blizzard is found guilty, and Townsend goes overtime on the “fake news biased anti-business California” line and the Blizzard-can-do-no-wrong crowd will be like “California is a cesspool obviously they had an agenda to punish these men who were just doing innocent men things and a court may have said they did wrong but obviously that was dumb and wrong and I don’t believe it”.

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I don’t need to put words in your mouth, you said that there was sufficient evidence because they filed a claim and if they didnt have that evidence they would not have filed a claim.

Which isn’t true. The government files claims non stop, many of them end up being summarily dismissed because the evidence they think is sufficient isn’t.

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I dont know why you selectively trust a company that you dont trust.

Allegations are exactly that and people can lie and make up stories, people can jump on the band wagon like people jumping on the bandwagon to ban water. Yeah thats right, people were signing a petition to ban H2O. The people who had the petition didnt lie about anything, said its in our drinking water, its in nuclear power plants and so on. People would sign. Eventually people just started signing because they seen signatures. The same thing can happen here.

And saying fifty page document, can be just as misleading as 2 year investigation. That 50 page document isnt 50 pages of allegations. A lot of it is required legal stuff. I seen a 500 page document against a voice actor. So what, that voice actor didnt and the entire thing started with a case of mistaken identity. He almost basically lost everything except his fans.

People can just be trying to save their own skin. If you make it look like you are part of the mob, then the mob most likely wont come for you.

State bodies or government bodies are scummy, just like lawyers. Even lawyers will say they are scummy, its just at least they admit it. Those checkpoints arent some big hurdle. Does the allegations fall under what we can enforce? Thats one of those hurdles. Then the next is they take your case, then they investigate which the evidence is supposed to be filed by the plaintiff its in writing on their site and just getting some numbers from books doesnt tell the entire story. Just because they key Katie is making say 10 dollars, and Keith is making 15, would be enough for them to push and go to court. Keith could have been there longer, negotiated for higher pay, put in more hours and applied himself for raises.

Innocent until proven guilty is the standard in life. Prove that you arent going out and killing cats at night. Thats not how things work, it would be on me to prove that you would be doing those things if I was the one making the allegation. Its really simple.

Its also not something that should be in just a court of law, its the standard of life. Its the only logical path to take. If you only take one side at its word and believe then the other people might as well just roll over because its a waste of time.

You are acting like women dont lie, that government agencies arent corrupt and that amount of things actually means something.

Im saying wait for the evidence. Just some allegations means absolutely nothing at this point. That is all they are, allegation.

"newly hired Activision Blizzard executive Fran Townsend"

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Yeah we’re done here. Thanks for participating. Hearing yourself speak is your participation prize, sorry but I’m all out of ribbons.

You literally are using no logic whatsoever. We all paid if you think paying means not using your own money.

lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao lmao

In her less than 6 months at the company, in an executive role, she’s never experienced any sexual harassment…that’s quite the high bar, I’m impressed.

How often do any of you folks see your executives around the office?

I’ve read the thread. Lawsuits are determined to be with or without merit by a magistrate or judge, not by a clerk. The State of California suing a company after an investigation, does not mean that a judge will agree with their position. Lawsuits like this, are tossed out quite consistently.

Maybe it isn’t there, and I do not personally now what State you are in.

Here in Arizona it is as easy as Ordering a Big Mac. You file papers, the judge reads and approves, and then you pay the Constable serve fees, and he serves the papers the next day.

Not only is it that easy for Restraining orders, it’s that easy for Evictions as well. The process is the same for me to file eviction papers. The same again for Civil Lawsuits, and Garnish of Wages, of which I have had to do as well.

For my eviction, proceedings I am given a court date and so are the served, for the case of restraining orders there is no court dates unless the recipient of the order, requests one.

So it’s pay 140, fill out papers, Judge signs them, pay 110 to have them served, and your done, unless the other party contests it.

You guys thinking that someone sits there and requires you to plead a case, before a court date. Are straight up wrong, you prove your case in Court, not filing.

Ok keep on posting things that has an obvious meaning then denying thats what you meant.

254 replies, 1.5k views. If you’d read the entire thread you’d see every thing I said and every thing I responded to in context. One thing you might have even noticed was my conceding that I may be misunderstanding the process.

So, any further discussion is not actual discussion.

So for you and every one else: in regards to any topic thread please read the entire thread before jumping in after 1 or 2 posts. Thanks!

They will, too, and we all know it. “It’s time to heal, guys. They paid a massive fine guys. Why are you being so negative, guys. You people will complain about everything. Now, excuse me while I go change into my corporate shill panda alt and reinforce this view.”

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