I dont know why you selectively trust a company that you dont trust.
Allegations are exactly that and people can lie and make up stories, people can jump on the band wagon like people jumping on the bandwagon to ban water. Yeah thats right, people were signing a petition to ban H2O. The people who had the petition didnt lie about anything, said its in our drinking water, its in nuclear power plants and so on. People would sign. Eventually people just started signing because they seen signatures. The same thing can happen here.
And saying fifty page document, can be just as misleading as 2 year investigation. That 50 page document isnt 50 pages of allegations. A lot of it is required legal stuff. I seen a 500 page document against a voice actor. So what, that voice actor didnt and the entire thing started with a case of mistaken identity. He almost basically lost everything except his fans.
People can just be trying to save their own skin. If you make it look like you are part of the mob, then the mob most likely wont come for you.
State bodies or government bodies are scummy, just like lawyers. Even lawyers will say they are scummy, its just at least they admit it. Those checkpoints arent some big hurdle. Does the allegations fall under what we can enforce? Thats one of those hurdles. Then the next is they take your case, then they investigate which the evidence is supposed to be filed by the plaintiff its in writing on their site and just getting some numbers from books doesnt tell the entire story. Just because they key Katie is making say 10 dollars, and Keith is making 15, would be enough for them to push and go to court. Keith could have been there longer, negotiated for higher pay, put in more hours and applied himself for raises.
Innocent until proven guilty is the standard in life. Prove that you arent going out and killing cats at night. Thats not how things work, it would be on me to prove that you would be doing those things if I was the one making the allegation. Its really simple.
Its also not something that should be in just a court of law, its the standard of life. Its the only logical path to take. If you only take one side at its word and believe then the other people might as well just roll over because its a waste of time.
You are acting like women dont lie, that government agencies arent corrupt and that amount of things actually means something.
Im saying wait for the evidence. Just some allegations means absolutely nothing at this point. That is all they are, allegation.