I’m out until dinars/bullions become a thing

Which is exactly why max ilvl gear rewards should be available to everyone.

No, because then it ceases to be a reward.

It’s just the new baseline.

Do you think the game is more or less enjoyable based on what ilvl the level 80 greens are set at?

Yes actually. We’re seeing that now with how delves are over rewarding gear and people are getting into content they have no business getting.

Even if it didn’t your argument is irrelevant. Gear is a reward. Why should you get a Ferrari for doing content that awards a Hyundai?

Actually it is. It’s all rewards. And like you already ignored. People are demanding those rewards too.

It would be a reward for time played, not for the difficulty level.

Again this game has never ever rewarded bis gear for time played.

And that is not something the game should cater to.

Rep grinds, are hardly the highlight of anyone’s day or activity.

Like renown rewards just exist cause casuals will pay money for meaningless content.

And this game is constantly changing. Until this expansion this game never allowed for solo rated battlegrounds or delves. If you want a game that never changes, classic is in the launcher.

Delves is tossing world content into an instance, and giving outsized rewards.

Solo rated battlegrounds should’ve been implemented like a decade ago. (League of legends, heroes of the storm, etc.)

Gear would have, but safe to assume someone died early on you missed that dps.
Kills that are that close, deaths tend to be the biggest factor lol.

So gear yes, but overall naaaaaah :joy:

The core design has not changed.

And like solo arenas the bracket is killed

Delves are a terrible addition and are over rewarding as it is.

The core design and philosophy hasn’t changed. I don’t play classic because I don’t enjoy braindead content.

That statement couldn’t be more false. I remember when Blizz said nobody would ever be able to transfer from a PVE realm to a PVP realm because you had to earn max lvl on a PVP realm. They have changed the core design of this game dozens of times.

Which is why they should just remove gear completely. It serves no purpose anymore other than to make people who don’t have it angry that they don’t have it.

But it’s not

The hardest content still awards the best gear.

That’s not changing the core design. I don’t think you even understand what the core design is.

This 1000%

What they should do is drastically reduce the amount of ilvl gear is increased with each season. It’s sort of ridiculous that we do 500% more dps at the end of an expansion than at the start.

This makes it so that players are on an “equal” playing field.

Could go with the old model and have people trudge through old raids just to gear up.

No more catch up.

Nah just remove it. Comparison is the thief of joy. no more comparison, no more joy being stolen.

If gear is supposed to be a meaningful reward, it would make sense for it to last longer.

Gear has shifted to having meaning within the tier.

Anything lasting longer is a design mistake.

It wasn’t always as drastic an increase as it is now. In early expansions gear from a previous tier was still pretty good compared to the new stuff. Honestly, getting catch up gear from old raids would be better game play than farming new champion gear from mindless world quests.