I’m out until dinars/bullions become a thing

People don’t want to farm old raids, so we have this system.

People are so… strange lately, for me. What are you going to do with that BiS gear? I see you started a thread last week. Are you goin for parses? If you got all your BiS gear week 1 (not realistic, but for arguments sake), how long would you have actually played that character? Would you have moved onto an alt instead?

The game respects your time as much as you put into in. The vault is a free source of loot or crests that is a reward for playing the content you want.

Would you really want to return to the time before the vault? There’d be outrage. If you want to wait until end of season, then please have a good break.

Delete vault, delete item upgrades. Increase gear drops.

Downscale mythic gear in m+ to heroic.

Eh. Disagree. If your speed or style is as high as Heroic, there’s nothing wrong with that. The game and the players age and gain more experience. But now players have kids and not as much time as they did 10 years ago.

The vault is fine. People just don’t like not getting what they want in a “timely” fashion. This whole game is loot chasing.

It’s called crafted gear. The fact that you can get 636 ilvl from running +8s and you are complaining about gear is beyond me. At this point you can have, what, 8 crafts 636 slots with BiS stats? How is that not deterministic route to gearing?

I’m wearing 6 pieces of crafted gear atm and it’s only 3 ilvls below max for tier.

After timing 100 8s? not sure if ur serious here.

Gonna add that this thread is more about the very rare raid rings/trinkets, not crafted gear.

If you want the gear then do the content. Not sure if you’re serious here. It’s access to 636, just shy of the max of 639, for running +8s. Also, just because we can craft 8 of them doesn’t mean they need to craft all of them.

I think that would be fine if they spent time making sure each individual item was about the same in power. But that’s also kind of boring. There’s no crafted equivalent for, as an example, spymaster or swarm authority.

Crest acquisition rates (especially for alts) is a whole other pain point they need to look at.

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Yes, the trinkets and tier are pretty much the only things you need from the vault over time; however, getting the Hero Track through running +8s is more than enough to clear the content.

Are you trying to imply that not having Myth track trinkets is the reason for holding you back?

There’s also the whole “finishing a character” thing that’s important too. RPG good feels and all that.

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I don’t believe in this for live service MMORPGs. For single player campaigns, sure.

Being able to buy specific items with a currency would be nice, but I wouldn’t expect to be able to after 1-2 weeks.

Nor should there be. Crafted gear is a filler in most situations and should be a bis piece.

1-2 a tier, must’ve killed the boss on that difficulty or earned XYZ rating for m+ items, becomes available after HoF closes.

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I’d be fine with that, but I don’t like gating around HoF or RWF.

I think OP is asking for myth spymasters while not even having killed the boss.

And then wonders why it’s a bad idea

I don’t either, could just attach it to the 0.5 or 0.7 patch too.

Just trying to avoid killing second to last boss then immediately buying the 2 bis items for everyone and then going on to final boss.

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Fair, they could attach 1 or 2 Dinars at the .0.5 patch along with doubling crest drops for catch up and alts.

But you will EVENTUALLY get it. My balance Druid and destro lock has been trying for that trinket for months. I literally have been filling my vault up especially the raid row, running LFR and normal to try to fish for a drop for it. I was feeling defeated yesterday as it still wasn’t in my vault and I ran LFR and still nothing. I had forgotten I still had the weekly to do where it gives a H raid piece. I kind of reluctantly did the quest because I was like what are the odds of it dropping from this ONE chest that could have so many different pieces from the raid in it. Turn the quest in and bam, a H spymasters was in that chest.

I’m just saying you will get it eventually just got to put in the work. Sometimes that means having to grind for it just like you have to grind thousands of times for a rare mount (invincible anyone?) for it to drop, and then some people are lucky and get it on first try. :person_shrugging:

It never did & nor should it. This kind of game is a social time killer, and it will never respected your time. IMO - every time I see that comment I infer a massive sense of entitlement.