I’m confused about yrel

I remember her during wod, typical came from nothing turned into a hero bland character type . I remember her offering help if we ever need it.

I see people claiming she’s psycho villain because of the light now. When did this happen? Did I miss this in one of the horribly written books ?

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how do you know the book is horribly written if you missed it?


Just unlock the Mag’har Orcs


Because it’s a book about Warcraft. No video game book has ever been good lol


with the mag’har quest line
she went full on crusader killing the people who will not bend the knee to her light


When AU Draenor became unlinked from our world, time in that world caught up to ours. During that period of time, AU Draenor started to deteriorate for unknown reasons. The Orcs blamed the Draenei, the Draenei blamed the Orcs. But given that the Draenei had superior technology and the Orcs didn’t have fel this time, the Draenei won the war of extermination this time.

Yrel is a “zealot” because she purged many of the Orcs who refused to join the Light as she believed only the Light was capable of saving AU Draenor from its destruction.


She was just a small town girl, living in a broken world.

She took the crazy train heading for unapologetic zealotry.



To answer your question, it’s in game, during the mag’har recruitment questline.


The Last Guardian was pretty good.

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Ohhhhh ok it makes sense. I’ve always been curious about how AU is doing. I’m surprised hellscream would put up with that.

Is there no accountability on our end? Like khadgar never thought to go back and check on things ? It’s kind of our fault that AU is so messed up then

However this is the story you get from the Orcs. The version you get from the Draenei (if we ever hear it) will be different.


The Mag’har Orc quest line. Considering in at least two time lines, the orcs were committing genocide against her people, she’s…killing some orcs. Perfectly justified. She’s still good.


I actually really liked War Crimes, Dawn of the Aspects, and I think the one about Illidan titled… Illidan. Not all of them are bad. Shadows of the Horde and Dawn of the Aspects are my two favorites.


What are we accountable for? We stopped the orcs from taking over the world, but we seemed to leave them and the Draenei on a pretty even field. What they chose to do with that freedom is not our responsability, nor could we account for the light to swoop in, empower the Draenei, and ask them to exterminate all those that do not bend to its will.
Particularly since a big chunk of Azeroth holds the light in high regard.

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Because it was written by one of a handful of authors that really can’t write anything ‘good’


Every game loves its war crimes.
There is even a war crime simulator!


She’s actually just becoming a more awesome hero, finally taking the actions necessary to purge evil from the universe. The only people calling her a psycho are just people who need more instruction / to be purged.

Hellscream doesn’t, but he’s defeated. Well, Grom Hellscream at least.

He has a son as well later in the AU timeline we learn, who is a Lightbound orc and apparently one of Yrel’s trusted right hands. He’s referred to as Exarch Hellscream, though we never see him (technically, it shouldn’t be an AU version of Garrosh, because he would have a different mother, but I don’t think Blizzard will think too deeply about that, and if we see him, I bet they’ll make him a Light-Garrosh and bring back his voice actor, because it’s too tempting).

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As you would know if you’d done the quest, we’ve been locked out of the AU since WoD ended.

Part of the questline involves going through a complicated process to open up a new portal, and when you do it connects back to the AU at the present time, so 50 years after when we last saw them.

Noooooo don’t give them ideas. They can read this

Exactly. We’re not responsible for some existential fanfic, especially after our intervention, intentional or not, radically improved the state of that planet long term.

Yeah, sure, theocratic domination might not be ideal, but compared to the fel-blasted, mutant populated, demon swarming, broken asteroid field of Outland? …