I’m a GDKP convert

Things are not always one way or the other. There are grey areas and that’s reality.

You HAVE to win before you can even buy gear in a gdkp anyway. It’s simply a reward for having already won.

Additionally rmt is not legal. It is not supported and it is completely irrational and unacceptable to remove gdkps as an option for players, simply because blizzard is unwlling to invest in their game and enforce their policies. It’s lazy, it’s anti-player and no one should defend blizzards inaction by suggesting gdkp removal.

I wonder if there would be this many gdkps if the gdkp organizers couldn’t sell their gold. And if you don’t think they are selling their gold you are delusional.

You are, as many have done before you, incorrectly assuming that winning = getting gear. Taking the term “pay to win” super literally and trying to define what “winning” actually is. The reality is, especially in an mmo, “winning” can be any number of things and being able to legally pay for any level of advancement in those areas is p2w.

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The gdkps I go to the organizers are the biggest bidders on items because they have the most capital. This wouldn’t be the case if they were selling.

That being said, of course there are some that do but I suspect that percentage is low.

Do some? Sure, mayb3. But its a TINY tiny minority. The gold you make running a Gdkp is so laughably insignificant relative to whats is collected through other means their ROI would be less than what you could make doing almost anything else…

They might make 15k over a 4 hour Ulduar, which is less than $15. Thats literally less than min wage…

I think youre probably a little deluded as to the extent of what youre claiming

Theres obviously no “winning” an MMO.
So claiming an MMO cant be “Pay2Win” because “iT DoESnT aCtUaLLy lEt YoU WiN” is the most disingenuous kind of semantics

Killing the boss is winning.

So what specific area(s) would it directly be p2w? Other then just /flex i have so much gold.

Being able to legally buy any advantage that has a real effect on gameplay is p2w.

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Except it respawns next week. And in a few months will be replaced by other harder bosses!

Its like claiming you “won” running because you finished a 2k once(in 300th place… )

So ill ask again, any specific example(s)?

Not really, a race is a competition, this isn’t unless you are in a racing guild.

Wrath will lose many subscribers once they kill Lich King, because they feel that is when they beat the game and win.

Buying gold, buying experience, buying accounts, buying pets in retail that can pet battle, buying gear, buying progress.

All of these would be p2w provided they are officially sanctioned by Blizzard. Obviously not all of these are legal, but if they were they would all be p2w elements.

That is not “winning” or “beating the game”. That is simply completing all the content they care about. If you walk up to a rank 1 gladiator and call them bad at the game and say that they have never won in WoW because they didn’t kill some random boss you would be laughed at.

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Buying gold is p2w because gold has always been a path for in-gane advancement. Gdkp expands that use of gold to raid drops as well, so it increases the extent to which Wow is P2W, though Gdkp isnt the root cause itself.

The problem is still with gold buying, not Gdkps, but arguing it doesnt provide a greater P2win path is just disingenuous

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If its not a competition, then by definition there can be no “winning” and you proved my point by negation/contradiction.


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Sorry, that rank 1 pvper is the champion of a wow minigame, not a winner of the game itself.

So idk hiw familiar you are with gottcha games or true p2w games, but they have an absolutely different structure then wow, let me explain. If you have enough money, you can always reach your chars maximum potential in a gottcha game or a p2w game (or atleast 90% max) this may cost ALOT of money but that also the point, the more you spend, the better your char becomes without exception till the point you max it out. This isnt at all the way it works in wow, you could have gold cap 50 times over and you still arnt garenteed to get a power increase. Thats the difference.

There are almost no games in which you can reach “maximum potential” with your character just by spending money. That is including the most egregious examples of p2w games like various korean mmos or diablo immortal.

The difference is simply in the amount of progress and advantage you can purchase. Just because the level of p2w is lower doesn’t mean its not p2w.

There is no goal for the game. When you kill the lich king you don’t get an achievement that says “congrats on beating this expansion!”, you get an achievement that simply says you have killed the lich king.

You could even argue that historically pvp has had more official tournaments and events than pve and therefore has a greater claim to be the closest thing to actually winning in this game.

You understand there are degrees to things in life correct?

Just because there are games that are MORE P2W than Wow, it clearly doesnt logically follow that Wow is therefore not P2W. Ie, if x<10000 that doesnt make x=0.

Pretty basic stuff

PS: Its Gacha games, not gottcha, though I can see how youd make that mistake lol

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