And its interesting that we’re seeing a reversal of that concept don’t you think?
Also, ideologically, Thrall’s Horde had a LOT of rhetoric of the Old Orcish Horde, but functionally it never really was meant to work that way. The Tauren and Darkspear were loyal to Thrall (but in “As Our Fathers Before Us”) it is made explicitly clear that for the Tauren especially they percieve Honor and the Horde very differently than the Orcs do.
Not really? I mean, not in BFA, that’s for sure. Sylvanas rules like Blackhand, Ogrim Doomhammer, or Garrosh before her. Meanwhile on the Alliance while there is a, ‘High King,’ the Alliance is still made up of equals. When Anduin tries to dissuade Tyrande from attacking Darkshore she says, ‘No,’ and does it anyway, and then Genn supports her. Despite the High King not wanting to divert forces, they do anyways.
Yeah, I fully expect the Warchief Seat to be heavily altered (or done away with altogether) by the end of this expansion. Its a relic of a Horde that proved to be nothing but disastrous for the Orcs; and now its proven over and over its nothing but disastrous for the current Horde.
Even if the Alliance doesn’t get the vengeance they desire, I do expect the Faction to take a serious hit (if not from the Alliance, ABSOLUTELY from Sylvanas herself) … and after that I do expect some form of serious restructuring to the way the Horde operates on an executive level.
Equals? LOL imagine thinking the Alliance is anything but Humans. Every other race that is part of the Alliance is irrelevant and this expansion has proved just that.
If I’m being realistic it will probably stick around in some form of very weakened state (rather than being done away with completely). The authority of the Warchief will be heavily diluted and it will take on some form of different functional form for the Faction (rather than this overwealming monolith of power that it is right now). If thats how things go they might as well just throw Thrall back onto that chair (he is the least contentious choice atm).
They’re actually not. I mean the fact that the High King is some per-pubescent teenager who out ranks 10,000+ priests and prophets, and even war heroes, is funny enough.
A complex topic with a relatively simple solution in the context of WoW.
If we’re using killing “innocent animals” as an example, then what if we killed “innocent animals” to feed the resource depraved Orcs of durotar? What if we used their hides to build tents for the displaced Forsaken populace in the wake of losing Undercity? What if we used their bones to create tools of worship for both the Troll and Tauren peoples?
That’s what I mean, performing actions that can be seen as “evil”, but can also be considered “good” or “understandable” from outside perspectives.
To be fair, if there was ANY race in all of the fantasy genre that was the living testament that Age does NOT equal Wisdom, its Warcraft Elves. The Kaldorei are in no way immune to this factor (no more than any other Elven Sub-race).
I don’t mind humans being around.
I just wish Blizzard put the same effort they put into their human characters they would put into the other characters. Though I think Blizzard lacks the necessary talents to actually deliver it.
PS. The new Jaina design is great. Love the new character design on a visual level. I also loved her initially in BFA but ever since then she has overstayed her welcome and the new “Crossroads” cinematic I find is a clear step backwards for this character.
Bluntly, if there needs to be a Supreme Commander of a Join Nation military for the Alliance, the character most up to that task is Muradin.
He’s got a massive amount of experience both working with and leading joint-race campaigns; has been heavily involved in the vast majority of the major events throughout the world in the last 15 years; his Kingdoms are stable and rebuilding so he has the ability to focus more on international efforts; and above all he’s removed enough from the tragedies of this conflict to remain objective.
Anduin is too young and idealistic to lead this war effort (let alone accomplish his goals of peace); Tyrande in contrast (despite how justified her actions may be) completely invalidated herself when she decided to prioritize the needs of the Kaldorei over the needs of the entire Alliance War effort (on a near suicidal gambit she’s damn lucky didn’t doom her).
Much as I would love for Muradin to be the Supreme Allied Commander (despite being a ruling member of the Council of Three Hammers), the fact is there is still a character better suited to the role. A character who held it previously.
No, Turalyon has more combat experience as a military commander; but the types of enemies he’s specialized in fighting is very narrow (the Legion). He’s also SUPER out of the loop about what Azeroth has become since the 2nd War (for goodness sake, the entire concept of the current Horde is likely foreign to him; just like Horde Paladins). He’s just not equipped to to adapt to Horde tech and tactics (nor compensate or know how to make the best of MOST of the Alliance races) this soon after returning to Azeroth after 1k years.
That doesn’t even get into his dangerously near obsessive light fixation.
Yeah, so dangerous he warns Anduin against considering the Light to be the end-all be-all solution to every problem. Can’t remember if it was in Before the Storm or somewhere else but he pretty much states outright that he knows that blind zealotry and faith is bad and that the Light itself can be misused.