You people confuse and manipulate free speech into an entitlement to be disrespectful, harass and troll people who’ve told you that your communications towards them are unwanted.
Just so you know, OP, the blues here are VERY hard on folks who come here trying to start stuff for one reason or another. Along with that, they dislike folks who think they can backside mod outside of pointing out the rules.
Your issues were addressed in the first reply. You’re welcome.
There is no free speech here, just so you know. Only the speech that Blizzard allows. I highly suggest you read the forum COC, you clearly haven’t.
I’m all out of reports. That’s never happened before.
OP-------do you know what the word “toxic” means?
Even though I already said it once, I’ll say it again. If you believe someone has violated The Forum code of conduct, use the report feature, and move on. Making a threat about it is actually against the rules.
I think perhaps it’d be best if everyone stepped away from this one. This whole thread has degraded into something very unproductive at this point and I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before it gets locked. Probably best not to carry on any further.
Degraded? It never started out on grade.
I have attempted to make an open conversation about what I thought was an issue and you guys are doing exactly what I pointed out as the problem. Unfortunately and fortunately it provides the answers, when you didn’t even discuss the issue you just showed with your actions how toxic you all are.
OP, I suggest in the future if don’t like someone’s post that you report it and ignore it.
It doesn’t take a forum feature to ignore.
This may be on topic, it may not be. Guess it depends on your perspective, attitude, and biases.
I’m female. If I have the choice, I always play a female toon. So because of that, I have this thought in my head that when I see someone on a female toon, or their forum avatar is female, that means the player/poster is female. I know that’s not always true, but it’s just a quirk I have because of what I just mentioned. I’m also a bit of a smart aleck, so sometimes when I read people’s posts, I read a sarcastic tone into it. Or maybe if I’m in a bad mood, I’ll sometimes read a person’s post directed at me as coming off as angry when they weren’t.
It’s just a bit of food for thought. Take it as you will.
There’s nothing to discuss. Your issues have been addressed. You’ve been given the proper information. This isn’t an complaints Forum. It’s not a suggestions for him and it’s not even a discussion for him. It’s an assistance for him. Primarily a player to player one. I believe I’ve already stated that twice.
This thread should have been locked long ago.
Just because it is something you don’t want to hear doesn’t mean it should not be heard by others. You want a fantasy place where only your voice is heard and others should praise it no matter if there are dissenting opinions on the topic.
It’s called listening to both sides of an argument and letting others decide for themselves which argument has more merit. My goodness you young people have an issue with negative feedback. You certainly do not have the brainpower to express your side of the argument without crying fowl or harassment or my feelings.
I honestly feel sorry for the blue who have to clean this up.
There is nothing to discuss. You don’t report other posters here. You use the in-forum function. A moderator will look at it and deal with it according to their internal policies. Not yours. Theirs. There’s nothing more to discuss.
edit: there we go.