[H]Zul'jin<Range Five> AOTC 5/10M - 10/10H SoD Mythic Roster recruiting Tues/Wed 7-10pmEST

Not sure what I am doing here

The correct thing. bumping the thread

Prot said we had to bump or he’s gkicking all the Vulpera. Save the furries.

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Looking for a furry warrior, (Vulpera warrior)

Day by day, kickin’ all the way, I’m not cavin’ in
Let another round begin, live to win
Yeah, live, yeah, win

Dear Reader,

Please join.

I Remain,

thanks jimmy

Need more raiders to die for my ret buff.


Folty’s going to kick all us bads so we need new fodder.

yeah until boomies get nerfed

I killed everyone on the ancient one

Da bump to the top

Hey people. Louzar forgot to taunt a boss on the Nine and it got me killed. That is all

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to the top.

Bump for the hump on the stump wut wut

Hi Prot. Are you awake yet?

Finally awake but still tired at the same time

It’s almost lunch time. Then Key time

All the keys