[H]Zul'jin<Range Five> AOTC 5/10M - 10/10H SoD Mythic Roster recruiting Tues/Wed 7-10pmEST

Im all alone but still looking for people

hey so tbc prepatch hits tomorrow but also SLG going down soon.

hi tomorrow we make SLG our b-word

why am i still awake? this is going to be a real problem tomorrow

hmm well guys still need players!

Updated needs. Louzars lazy

You bump, I bump

We downed Generals! onto sire kappa

Yes, lucky kill!! Fowlty wasn’t there but its ok

bump to the top

Bump to the top top

whoa whoa how did i find myself here

Lou smells bad in Classic too.

i may smell bad but its from all this work

9.1 is around the corner, always looking for exceptional players!

Updated requirements and post

yes we are going hard

clearing quickly for 2 days/week

quickest of the clears, Live to win

i love pizza

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