[H]Zul'jin<Range Five> AOTC 5/10M - 10/10H SoD Mythic Roster recruiting Tues/Wed 7-10pmEST

keyssssssss wanna come?

Keys yes, we do keys. We have tanks and healers that actually do keys too

Let me message

BM should get the PI buff, discuss.

No, noo nooooo, no PI.

Prot, I feel like it’s just you and me, buddy.

Guardian down

Repot is one ugly mofo

dabump the thread

Fun times, we are moving on up in the boss kills

Runes within runes, always spinning

I tried runes and they went the wrong way

sure you did,

Left and right are hard. Clockwise and counterclockwise are just impossible.

just look for the rune on the ground

Hard to see under all the feet

Noo no no, just go first person

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No witty reply here. Oh, but WTB more tanks/healers for running M+

yo…mythic is about to start falling over

Who else really loves not having their unholy 3 piece yet? oh just me?..kay

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