Hyperspeed Accelerators

Anyone else having an issue baking /use 10 into their abilities? I cannot get the Engi Glove perk to work in any of my abilities at all.


Try using the name of the glove?
/use glove_name

Yes i’ve tried

/use Heroes’ Scourgeborne Gauntlets
/cast Icy Touch

also with /use 10 instead and it will not work. I have to hit it on a separate keybind to get it to work but I know people that have it baked in to abilities, although they are casters. Not sure if that’s the issue because im using instant cast abilities.

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Might need to only have non-globals in the same macro.
Try with less … In macro.

Macros do not work like a letter.

The third line might fire off first or never. The first thing it does is the only thing it does sometimes.

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You can’t use most trinkets AND the glove on use at the same time. Your macro will work eventually but not while trinkets are in use.

Does this fix your issue?

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Glove and trinket don’t usually stack. Glove puts on use trinkets on 10 sec cd. I use a weak aura to track all my power on use CDs, you should probably do that too

It was working perfectly until about 30 minutes ago for me when I was in the middle of combat and suddenly I’m not able to cast my macro’d ability. Some transparency on this Blizzard, would be really nice. Sneaky hotfix or what? Makes no sense to me.


Also having trouble with my macro. Was questing on my paladin and the macro I use has been working the entire time I’ve had the hyper speed accelerators and all of a sudden in the middle of a quest it stopped working.

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Same thing happening to my trinket and gloves macro before casting shadowbolt. Plz fix

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Same thing happened on me. No longer will it let you spam a macro with the on-use glove effect followed with a spell ability if the glove is on CD.

mid naxx when my macro ceased to function

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It works if you put /use 10 or /use (glove name) after abilities. Before no longer works as expected (glove tinker fires abilities never go off).

Totally ruins snapshotting.

Experiencing this now at random, in naxx.

Same thing is happening to me

#showtooltip Steady Shot
/use 10
/cast Kill Command
/cast Steady Shot

Was working absolutely fine for me until about an hour ago. needs a fix

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Experiencing the same issue

I was experiencing the same lockdown where the CD of the item and an external 12sec triggered CD locked out my ability from being used at all. I put the glove /use after the ability and it works fine now . There is a 12 sec CD on the second use, no way to avoid that, but the abilities all fire now without locking out the main spell ability.

/use 13
/cast (ability, mine is Icy Touch)
/use 10

First press will trigger the trinket and icy touch, second icy touch alone (due to 12 sec external CD of the engineering tinker triggered by the trinket on first press), once the 12 sec CD is off pressing the button again fires Icy Touch and the glove tinker.

Hope this helps!

Yeah having issue with mine with healing, blizzard definitely did something because it was working perfectly literally before i went into nax

Same thing happened to my Vampiric Touch macro. Pls fix

Blizzard broke /use 10 with a hotfix

Just drag the item into an actionbar slot, it’s what I did.

Though thinking about it now you might be wanting to combo it with something else.