Hyperspeed Accelerators

This is the “fix” to glove-weaving degeneracy. Every fix they implement is a one and done kludge it seems.

I didn’t even know this was a thing and when I found out it was already patched XD.

Yeah, it got hyped up by the youtube usual suspects last week and now its gone.

I’m surprised that I managed to get a 99 at all with that being a thing.

Wait was it doable during the first day?

It was not doable during first day, hence the just in time “we’ll sort it out later” fix.

Ah ok, well then guess those grays and blues are all my fault then…

I’m not crying you’re crying.

This has also been broken for me using hand rockets. They also broke it in arena which is incredibly annoying. There is no way this isn’t a bug.

I also get a weird error that says I am “too close” to use that ability. Rocket gloves has no distance minimum.

So I stopped using a macro with the gloves after one dungeon. Despite proccing every other one, I still needed a normal TF for when I needed to save the gloves before a boss. So it was pointless having a macro. Also it sharing a 10sec icd with trinks, that I really don’t remember in live, didn’t help

Anyway, I just logged in. Dragged the macro to my bars. Pressed the keybind. It procced the gloves and TF. Seems very strange to only break for a few people if it was intended fix
My macro
#showtooltip Tiger’s Fury
/use Heroes’ Dreamwalker Handgrips
/cast Tiger’s Fury

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In the middle of combat yesterday, my macro stopped working as well. Blizzard hotfixed something and it broke our macro. PLEASE FIX BLIZZ!

Sorry i was incorrect it was fixed yesterday and was in for Thursday first raid, my lock guildy just confirmed he was able to glove weave in that raid.

Same issue, my macro was working fine until yesterday and now it won’t cast my ability.

It will break eventually, about halfway through your raid.
Keep testing :sweat_smile:

did anyone figure out a workaround to this yet that isn’t just… bind your gloves to a separate new key

Use a castsequence, not a bunch of stacked lines. Stacked lines will often not work if the skills have to fight for a CD/GCD slot. Castsequences however will always work because the game is only trying to fire 1 thing at a time.

What are you talking about, it’s off the gcd. Using a cast sequence is ridiculous. Spam those keys to get your gloves to work lol

Really frustrating issue here, doesn’t work in my macro even putting /use 10 after an instant cast

bruh just revert the hotfix please

Randomly happens and then randomly breaks… I wanted to make a macro like

/cast [mod:alt,harm] berserking
/use [mod:alt,harm] 10
/cast Vampiric Touch

/cast Shadow Bolt
/use 10

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