I mean, doesn’t Illidan have mostly Horde? Doesn’t Stormrage have mostly Alliance? Why aren’t those being evened-out too? Why just PM?
I think Proudmoore can handle some new faces. Just looking at the Hyjal forums seems like a lot of Horde guilds are recruiting. It has a history as a Horde dominated server. No mention of the merging.
If they’re doing something like this…I wonder if they’re going to connect a smaller RP server with WRA? Pretty shocked Proudmoore is getting connected at all.
Maybe they will end up being? They seem to be doing it in waves. Idk.
That’s one way to solve some of the faction imbalance on those ridiculously imbalanced servers, I suppose.
If they were looking to balance faction populations, they could have had Hyjal connect to a similarly populated realm like Aerie Peak. I don’t understand why they picked Proudmoore of all servers when Hyjal itself is already high pop.
I can only imagine if a high alliance server gets stitched together to area 52.
Lightbringer/Area 52 let’s gooooo
Let’s just merge Illidan and Stormrage. That would really bring together Illidan’s name and the WoW population!
Yep, and Hyjal has almost no alliance. I’d wager at least 7, 8 or 9 Horde player per one alliance player on Hyjal.
Because of faction imbalance - both servers are very one sided.
You’re probably right, but IMO faction balancing servers, esp. with the unfortunate reality of CRZ/sharding, makes no sense.
I would rather have alliance only and horde only servers. That way we can have the entire rest of the server to group with instead of a higher pop server feeling like 2 lower pop servers because the community is divided in half.
Since when has that been a problem? Since when is Blizzard trying to change that? All high/full pop realms are faction-biased and I don’t see why Proudmoore is being focused here.
Area 52 is the only realm I would accept Lightbringer being connected to because that’s where all my Horde toons are.
Otherwise, please noooo to connecting Lightbringer /cry
They are going by this as far as I can see and maybe 2300 horde raiders is enough.
Hyjal is definitely gonna have some competition with Proudmoore for realm first Mythic kills anymore! That seems pretty cool.
Plus it offers an avenue for a bunch of people to swap factions if they want and still have access to find a solid raiding guild, PVP team etc. Because right now in their current state, that is impossible on either realm:
They probably are looking for ‘x’ population numbers both side. Wait for the others before you claim some sort of being ‘picked’ on theory.
Proof that this is the data Blizzard is reflecting on instead of their internal information? Additionally, they are two high population servers. It doesn’t make sense.
I guess you didn’t understand the ‘as far as I can see’ comment.
So your comment is irrelevant.