[H][US][Zul'jin] <The Tavern> 10/10H LFM Raid DPS, Key Runners, Socials, and Casuals for 9.1

Raid Times: Tues/Thurs 5:00pm - 8:15pm Pacific Standard Time (8:00pm - 11:15pm EST)

We are currently looking for Socials, Casuals, and those who want to do M+ keys. Additionally, we are looking at adding a few DPS to our raid roster for the next raid tier.

A bit about us: Our guild was formed last year before the release of shadowlands by two friends in August 2020. Since then we have grown. We are doing Normal/Heroic Raiding & Mythic +. Our raid roster is almost full, just in need of a few more DPS to complete it.

What we are looking for:

18+ & LGBTQ+ friendly

We have cleared 10/10 N and 10/10 H Nathria. We raid casually twice a week and sometimes alt raids on the weekends. LF some DPS to fill our raid roster for Sanctum.

Friendly members, casuals, socials, newbies, and veterans are all welcomed of any class/level. We hang out in VC too!

Those interested in raiding (Normal & Heroic) and dungeons.

Mic optional, but joining Discord is a must for communication for raids, events, news, etc.

For Mythic+ We are looking for DPS & another tank to help more groups run/progress through M+. We usually run M+ on the weekends.

If you are interested, please join our Discord to chat: discord.gg/sqBP4yC7ms

Specs we are looking to recruit:

Mage (high priority)

Warlock (high priority)

Balance Druid (high priority)

Hunter (high priority)

Shadow Priest (medium priority)

Frost or Unholy DK (med priority)

Arms or Fury Warrior (med priority)

1 Healer - pref Mistweaver Monk or Resto Druid (med priority)

Come kick butts with us! :smiley:

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Super excited to raid with everyone again and meet new guildies for 9.1! :smiley:

Update on what we are looking for

Specs we are looking to recruit:

Mage (high priority)

Warlock (medium)

Balance Druid (high priority)

Hunter (high priority)

Shadow Priest (medium priority)

Frost or Unholy DK (med priority)

Arms or Fury Warrior (med priority)

Come join us! The Tavern would love to have you!!! :heart_eyes: