Looking for a 6 hour per week guild with the aim of having a good time and getting into mythic raiding? Scrub Legion might be for you. Raid times are Wed/Sun 8-11 ET.
We are a new guild looking for players with a desire to improve together and full clear mythic. We are not recruiting for the bench!
With Shadowlands our goals for Scrub Legion are the following:
- Get AotC done as fast as possible.
- Fully clear mythic before the next raid tier.
- Provide a community who will help you tackle M+ every week and climb the arena ladder if that’s your thing.
- Have a fun time memeing our main tank in discord who has been given the legendary title of Meme Factory.
Our current needs are the following:
Come join the squad today!
My Contact Info:
Btag: Goofygoober#1827
Discord: Goofy#5152