And yet, mate, here I am on Remulos and I have no imbalance concerns.
How did players seriously think that they could play on a pvp server and the faction balances would be magically even? How did they think that in a game with minimal changes from Vanilla there would somehow be changes made to control different faction proportions? And now, after it being obvious for weeks that such imbalances were occurring (its not like its Latest News) why are people still carrying on about it on the forum over and over and over again.?
Hell, you could have levelled up a toon ion a pve server in the time since this started happening bigtime.
If you make a post complaining about faction or queue issues on a pvp server you will get the same answer from us that you would almost certainly get from Blizzard - that is “You were given a choice - play on a Normal server or play on a PvP server, and you chose the latter. That’s a choice you must live with and conditions you must adapt to if you wish to continue playing a character on a pvp server.”
So rather than discuss the issue you just use personal abuse and insult. It’s sad really that you can only respond at that level. You are a perfect example of the need for an Ignore function on the forums.
But anyhow, I won’t bother to respond to you further, enjoy your play and have a nice day.
You sound really bitter and like a child. If you’re not happy then change what you’re doing. It’s on you to choose where to play and how. Blizz should not step in and police the playerbase.
And by you I mean anyone and everyone. If people don’t want to play then don’t, if you want to play then fix the problem and stop blaming someone else.
I unsubbed and stopped playing. So will all of the victim factions being subjected to a completely and totally defunct game. The game is dying and smug narcissists like yourself are congratulating yourself on helping to kill it
If we are not happy then we have the right as paying customers to complain… What reason do you have to be in every forum post attacking people who are calling for change? Seems to me like you are a horde player on an unbalanced server who cannot PVP without a crutch… Now go away
you dont play period, you admitted you quit classic at level 20 in these very forums, which you inexplicably continue to spend your free time trolling.
You should just quit now then, regardless if you were happy playing now or not. Thats literally whats going to happen anyways since theres nothing on the horizon for classic. Just save yourself the heartache and money while you can.
Yep same with my server Herod. Horde are like cockroaches they are in every corner of the world. Doesn’t matter where you go you get ganked and farmed. Every instance on lockdown
In OCE we have 3 options, Arugal which is very heavy horde, Yojamba which is also very heavy horde and the third server Felstriker which was added a few days after release and is dead but also heavy horde