Huokan is banned!

I can die happy, bless you anon…


I would like to think not considering gallawix was just recently banned for RMT. With the spotlight on boosting services right now I wouldn’t think they Would risk that.

Whokan? I don’t know huo that is.

Blizzard watches these communities.

You’d think people would be smart enough to not use third party macro tools when the EULA explicitly forbids third party macro tools.

Since it seems that top guilds either bought or loaned gold from these boosting communities I wonder if top guilds will see the potential gains and become the new boosting community’s.

The amount of gold they could make would help fund the next raid tier and more, potential in creating a huge advantage if there’s really good BoEs for example, but it would be a stupid amount of work.

:crab: Trade chat is still the worst :crab:

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this guy tryna smack talk orcahontas. he has less prog than my grey parsing mage! smh my head. “quality” huokan boosts with these low tier players mAN

Wish i could dance like that.

You totally had me at “my grey parsing mage”, but “smh my head” is a bit redundant, tsk tsk.

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He is correct. I postulated a day or two ago that they were the same people behind Gallywix on new accounts. Their spam was horrendous, and they alternated accounts regularly to get around ignores.

acording to alot of insiders many big guilds including method used real money for gold. blizzard from what i know is investigating alot of people and guilds because they got people involved with galywix did multiboxing and some did botting . there are alot of big guilds like world first ones that have used irl money for gold… the problem is really bad in wow but not as bad as other games .

I’ve only been back to WoW for like a week and it seems over the last couple years trade chat on Barthilas has devolved into either these huokan guys spamming or people swearing at them for spamming.

Where’d the community go?

I assumed they were a big group that was experiencing fast growth. But when boosts were being discussed in trade chat, no matter who the booster, there was always someone who would recommend Gallywix.

No idea who that is…

For everyone commenting that it was just 1 server. They operated on all of these:
Area52 :horde:
Barthilas :horde:
BleedingHollow :horde
Illidan :horde
Mal’ganis :horde
Tichondrius :horde
Thrall :horde
Hyjal :horde
Kil’jaeden :horde
Zul’jin :horde

Stormrage :Alliance


Horde bias

hate to break it to you guys but gallywix has been rebranded as phoenix community now if you haven’t noticed the newer spam in trade

Hate to break it to you guys but I literally just saw an add from “Huokan” on BH a minute ago, clearly not banned.

Thank god. Holy crap man, i had to block a new character every 10 seconds.