Maybe if Blizzard didn’t test their game at max lvl with max gear this wouldn’t happen.
Of course a pet that has no item scaling is going to crush when you take that gear away. If you then nerf them to make them equal to the ungeared, they’ll fall into the trash bin when everybody gets geared and highly item dependent classes like warrior get geared and leave the other classes in the dust.
Heres the top hunter parse for turtle boss.
it did 10.3 dps and i think it does more on him cuz its non physical.
this is called a get out of jail free card on being poor at designing a balanced game. math eludes them
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its not if you eliminate variables like range from your equation.
It what world do hunter’s now ‘suck’?
They will still clap in PVP.
They will still be upper middle of the pack in PVE raid/dungeons.
They will still be overlords of farming higher level mobs.
TLDR; Get a grip, Hunters are in a good spot.
Warriors are essentially trash in PVP right now without the backing of a priest.
On any 3 of the characters i play the are totally free HKs, even if they get the jump.
For reference that is Hunter, Warlock, Druid.
People complaining about warriors right now are braindeads.
(That might change next tier, we’ll see).
Make explosive shot great again
People sitting around complaining about their DPS in a lvl 25 raid that is getting closed out regularly in less than 30 minutes while ignoring the fact that any WSG premade wants like 6 hunter 3 priests and an FC because the hunter pets will collectively erase people on the other team with little to no risk to the hunter. Hunters are still good, still a threat still soloing stuff no other class can, and are still able to do Thier DPS at significantly less risk than any melee class.
I’m not saying hunters need to be bodied, but the fact of the matter is Hunter is very strong right now and as easily as you are being nerfed this week, you can be further buffed next week, let em cook.
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Arnt hunters the only non hybrid class in classic
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Is that supposed to mean something?
Hunters being the only pure DPS left. Yet they have been nerfed to the ground. Hunters have always since the beginning of time been the strongest class in the 20s bracket. But apparently deep wounds is working as advertised.
I hate hunters so much it’s unreal. Thank you based blizzard. Take feign death away and give it back to feral druids too thanks.
There’s this prevailing idea among the cognitively deficient that having one or two runes that slightly adjust & introduce elements of new play for a couple of specs that suddenly it’s as that the class has a brand new role they’ve never had before.
IE mages are healers now. Rogues are tanks now. Locks are tanks now. etc. etc. in a specific level range of the game that this (exception of mages healing anyone) was always possible without the runes lol and they believe both: that this will all be viable and not subject to change whatsoever going into the future.
It’s best to recognize that such commenters opinions are irrelevant, accompanied with a good dose of assmad.
I mean they said the mob was doing a third of a mages burst…
I think if a mage did 900 damage in one tick people would know XD
If I had it, I would bet $1,000,000 that during the lvl 60 phase we will see a blue posts that states “We had no idea Warriors were going to be this powerful”
In classic hybrid classes use to not do as much damage as pure damage specs by design of the developers. So yea it does mean something
Teams want that to roll over pugs. When up against other pre-mades though, 90% of the time the teams I was in would take a much more balanced approach (1-2 WAR, 1 ROG, 1 FC, 3 PRSTs, 1-2 HNT, 1-2 Casters), because Hunter pets just get burned down in the first 10 seconds of a fight, and if not, then the Hunter is doing significantly less DPS because they’re constantly pulling their pet back. Also because half of the FotM HNTs that applied would have 70% greens and <1000 Stamina. In my entire climb to Exalted when I played with pre-mades, we never got rolled by a 4+ Hunter team.
That being said, I’m with you on the fact that the balance team for SoD seems pretty competent, at least in bringing certain things down to a more comfortable baseline, but I do wish that we’d get some more tuning for underutilized/worthless Runes (for all classes, just I know Hunters feel particularly rough). Out of 12 Runes, 1 is a must include (Lion), another doesn’t feel like a choice because it’s the best option for melee weaving and straight melee (Flanking Strike), and then the 4 Hand Runes are all now relatively viable depending on the content. But even still I think they’ve got some great ideas in there and I’m excited to see some new interactions in P2. Just hoping that certain runes aren’t left obsolete and never balanced again. (Also Blizz plz add runes that let me main tank as a hunter, even if I have to forgo a pet for it, or bounce aggro back and forth between my pet and me, ty)
2 days ago i was trying to get some fishing done up near dala. A mage was farming me, runs up polys the pet hits me with living flame and another spell. I basically insta died, i could do nothing.
The very next day they said the were nerfing hunters, yet again. So now I’m done with SoD. Enjoy.