I never actually tamed a windserpent … yet i still feel the nerfs
“Soloing stuff no one else can” go check out mages
Because they are the only ones one shotting people…AT LEVEL 25, the runes scale with the level and as you get more talents they would be simply way over what’s expected. No reason to have such an easy class be so overpowered.
Not really, their pets can tank in raids. That makes them dps/OTs.
Every single class in the game can offtank in BFD, even Priests. It is a level 25* raid.
10man. And while many classes can eat damage, few are capable of taunting on demand.
Everyone complaining about the nerf is hilarious. When in all of wow could hunter use beast within and kill just about everyone (unless geared to the teeth) with just the pet? I had 30% movement speed with druid and a wind serpent could kite me while i never caught up to it. Doing about 150 repeated by itself. Not mentioning that with the hunter there I’ve been criticaled by a wind serpent hunter pet for over 450 damage. Sorry ur pet shouldnt do more than half my health. Especially when beast master is the laziest spec in the game. If it was up to me, I’d have just reduced the armor on pets making tank category pets and dps ones. But don’t come on here whining just cause you were a bad hunter and couldn’t make the class broken dosen’t mean others couldnt figure it out.
Skill issue. You need more play time.
Roots. Hibernate. Next!
Lol, they break and u run out of mana shapeshifting, rooting, and hibernating. Just chasing a pet with beast within? Your on compium bro thats why they nerfed you.
If someone broke your hibernate then you need better friends mate.
If they are using beast within how do u find the hunter? If they make hibernate castable in beast form i might agree with u.
You don’t need to find the hunter. Meme games win meme prizes.
If im farming a spot and they are griefing with beast within what do i do? I cant find them, i cant kill them cause they are faster than 30% movement speed. I have to switch from mangle to sunfire and chase them down. While doing so the pet alone can reduce 3/4 my health. What about hunters did you think was fair? Its a no skill class that could beat down on everyone with just a pet. Rogues could barely solo a pet alone.
Once again, pvp happened on a pvp server.
Lol ok ur done, go back to retail my boy.
Oh we’re pretending like that wasn’t a level 55 pet. Cool.
25 is cap?
Wrong forum.
equivalent in damage.
I don’t think you’re respecting how much extra HP and damage pets are getting. They scale off hunter stats now. The hunter pet gets 10% all stats. The hunter gets 20% all stats. The hunter pet double dips again from that 20% all stats on top of whatever other stats they had. 80% focus regen rune when the closest thing is a 27 point investment into BM for 20% focus regen leading to pets spitting out way more DPS. 30% extra damage, 30% extra HP on top of heart of the lion and the double dipping and the hunter scaling. Yes the pet was the equivalent of a late game pet. This nerf has gone some way to reducing the impact it has in a fight. Good.
So we agree that the pets were busted.