All they had to do was fix damage of wind serpents so everyone would quit crying about hunters killing them in WSG. Its ok though Warriors will be kings of SOD just like Classic always has been, Guess im glad i made and alt warrior…
True. This all stemmed from bad players getting soloed by pets that deal 40% the damage of a normal player.
Being frank, this makes farming hunters for honor much easier. It is pretty safe to go into a pack of 2-3 hunters in the open world as most classes.
Players are going to be a lot more upset in the future. BM will most likely still be stronger by a bit. As they buff other abilities and runes, instead of a pets killing people, it will be a hunter at 41 yards, casting aimed shot, and once that hits, auto, chimera, multishot, and if 2-3 of those crit which they will at higher levels, hunters will be killing people in under 2 seconds and people will be begging to deal with pets than that. Be careful what you wish for. Blizzard has to give hunters, something.
I’ve advocated for the nerfs up to now, but even I think the newest one is starting to go a bit too far. Hunter dps is in a fine place now, what they need to do is buff the other runes besides Beast Mastery so that it isn’t their only option, and to buff the other dps that have been so far below the others since the beginning. Any Mages still dedicated to Frost at this point, you have my respect, and my sympathy
The problem isn’t the pet themselves, it’s just wind serpents. All of their damage is front loaded with Lightning breath. Two will go off back to back when in range with a 3rd to follow shortly after a focus tick. The fix to this is a cool down on LB similar to bite. The cat does similar damage in PvE but does no where near the damage of WS in pvp because it’s attacks are mitigated by armor, can be kited and has a less front loaded damage delivery. Nerf the WS, not the rune and you’ll find a reasonable fix.
The ability on a 15 second cooldown that can be dispelled or walked away from?
This really isn’t much of a dev note. “Too powerful” in what way? I think we all assume and feel it in PvP, but is that what they think? Hunters are outclassed by Rogues and Warriors in BFD right now, so… surely it’s a PvP problem?
Since we didn’t get that transparency and we gotta take a leap there, why in the world isn’t the change something like this:
- Hunter pets now deal 30% less damage to players
Is a player-modifier really totally out of bounds? If it doesn’t exist already then I understand it’d take some work, but it’s obviously the right thing for the situation (or something like it) and thus the best thing for SoD players and SoD itself?
It’s nice to see tweaks, but they’re just low hanging fruit “economical” adjustments. Turning the knob on those values is probably less than 5 minutes of any real dev time, minus the brain time to decide what to do and test it out (which is a given for any change).
Can you guys please convince production to let you make script changes to the game in live updates?
I refuse to believe SoD design team just missed isolating hunter pet changes to PvP-only
If this is the case, and they already have a way of affecting how much damage hunter pets deal to players why in the world didn’t they just adjust that number lower than it is now?
Why globally affect PvP and PvE by adjusting the base bm rune???
Honestly myself and all of the PvP Hunters I’ve played alongside were already running Chimaera Shot, so i don’t think this is as much of a nerf for PvP as others think it will be.
Doing 900+ damage in 8 seconds from Serpent, Auto, Chimaera, Multi, Auto, against other premades was much more valuable than having a beefier pet that they’re going to focus down 80% of the time anyways. Everyone playing PvP in WSG knew to focus the hunter pets, so giving up <100 damage from Wind Serpent for a 100+ damage 6 second CD that has the potential to disarm WARs, ROGs, or PLDS was a no-brainer for anyone serious about PvP. So as much as I hate to see Beast Mastery get hit, this isn’t a PvP hunter nerf, so much as it is a PvE nerf (which kind of sucks).
When do you "have " to melee?
In raids? As much as you can. Look up hunter melee weaving. It’s where 1/4 of our DPS comes from.
Stop with common sense. This is not the place for that!
15% extra weapon damage on Chimera shot is tiny and doesn’t make up for the nerfs at all
The mana is also pretty irrelevant right now as most fights end in 30 seconds
the next raid is gnomergan where half the stuff will be immune to nature unless they make some changes, I’m guessing explosive will be the Meta eventually
Competitive raids in BFD LMFAO. Actual parse brain at work. Make your own. This raid is as competitive as deadmines. Anyone who stacks X class for “competition” when you can 5 man this easy asf raid has a mental illness.
Hunters are the top parcing class for 65% of logs. Because they are brain dead easy. The higher the skill level players get the lower they go.
Truuuuuth. Get Em
Get real rogue, I have one too. There is nothing hard about rogue either.
Nothing is hard at 25 get over yourself
I didn’t know middle of the pack DPS was “strong”. Guess Rogues and Warriors need 8 weeks of nerfs, too.
There is nothing hard about any class in classic.
It is just a fact that hunter is the easiest.