Hunters unplayable in PvP - Am I wasting my time?

Guys, these posts are getting increasingly frequent and frankly ridiculous.

Let me tell you definitively that FD and trap works completely fine. The issue is you are used to the speed on unofficial servers. FD does not work the same on retail. If you do a couple things correctly you will have no problem. I use it all the time at level 60 against warriors and have multiple videos to prove this.

  1. You need /petfollow macro
  2. Do not macro frost trap into the feign death macro, keep them as two separate buttons. If you are fast enough, it still works. As one macro, this wasn’t working for me either.
  3. Don’t move until feign death drops combat. If you move, you won’t drop combat at all.
  4. Keep in mind, feign death is resisted frequently. If it’s resisted you obviously won’t drop combat.
  5. A good player will automatically target you upon dropping feigning and put you back into combat. In this situation, it is indeed very hard to feign and trap. This is the same concept as hitting a rogue after he vanishes. It’s not broken, it’s just good pvp tactic and you need to work around this.

This isn’t making me feel nice

The person asked for the macro.

Link please.

The correct macro is simply:

/cast freezing trap

That is it.

It’s the modern macro system in the old version. Problems to be expected as they probably overlooked things.

Video games are a waste of time.


I probably won’t be using focus much because we don’t have silencing shot (I used focus every match in arenas back in the day tho). I’ll just build a viper sting macro like the scattershot macro to use on priests who come to assist in pvp as I’m killing someone

Hunters really come into their own when we get silencing shot, the pet root/snare dispel you can use in yourself and teammates, and that hop backwards. That was hunters in their absolute prime, IMO. Too bad I believe that’s all wotlk tho

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NONE of this is like vanilla. you realize that, right? You basically just said that it isn’t working as it did in vanilla wow. Yea, we are used to spells and macro’s working. You are right. No, I refuse to say it is okay. I will reroll and delete my hunter if Blizzard comes out and confirms that this clunky garbage feign death functionality is what they think is correct.

Anybody with 10 seconds, a brain, and youtube can see that vanilla hunters didn’t act like this.

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OP is cry baby.
In before he talks sh** about being higher level,on his “broken” class,lulz.

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Mouseover macros are very good for pvp because otherwise when you are fighting someone and someone else comes in to help, you would normally have to tab target the second person, scattershot them, then tab back to your original target. This causes a loss of damage, possibly at least 1 auto shot worth (which could be a potentially big crit)

By using a mouseover macro for scattershot, you can pass your cursor over their character as they run up, scattershot them, all while still keeping your current target, including your next auto shot firing

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Honestly, I don’t think it has to do with the macro’s at all.

I know people are saying it does, but as clunky as it feels…I believe it has a high chance in being linked to their awful iteration of spell batching. Spell batching was a solution to dial up internet connections 15 years ago, forcing it into Classic has brought upon so much unneeded pain and clunkiness.

I’m not going to say my memory is flawless, but I will tell you that in original vanilla feign death was a seriously buggy ability. It got resisted and it didn’t always work. There are elements of human error, and there is the ability itself. But the ability is not broken, it just isn’t as OP as it was on unofficial servers and I think the discrepancy is causing people to assume there is a problem.

In the beginning of this video you can see this hunter feign death freeze trap. Tell me that live version of Classic is anywhere near that quick and seamless?

Heck, as I keep watching it, at 40 seconds he does it again with a melee on him. This is full proof to anybody playing a hunter that is honest right now that feign death is buggy.

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Honestly, you’re right. It doesn’t seem this fast. But I will tell you that it works for me 99% of the time. I’m just not sure where you guys think the problem is. I have trapped warriors 3+ times in a single fight in melee range, so the result is the same as in this video.

When I get back from work I can look at the videos I captured earlier and see if I can find a good example.

Feel free to hit me up in game and I will try to help as best I can. I can even show you if that would help.

Sorry no.

You make a lot of assumptions in your post.

  1. You are assuming people are comparing it to a private server. I am not. I am comparing it to vanilla, I never played a private server.

  2. You are assuming people are having issues using a macro. I am not even using a macro. Feign and trap, and pet passive for that matter, are 3 different buttons.

  3. You are assuming people are apparently too stupid to put their pet on passive. Like.? really?

  4. Feign death does not get resisted versus players. Since patch 1.7. This is patch 1.12

  5. You could move instantly after feigning in vanilla, you didn’t need to sit on the ground waiting for combat drop

This is a video from vanilla wow, years and years and years ago, not a private server. You can see a prime example of how quickly you can feign trap.

https:// www. youtube. com / watch?v= QDDpNmPvXdw&t=3m13s
https:// www. youtube. com / watch?v= QDDpNmPvXdw&t=6m35s
https:// www. youtube. com / watch?v= QDDpNmPvXdw&t=8m47s

There is a distinct difference from what it should be, this is undeniable.


I am stunned and thankful for your honesty.

I am not saying it never works. But it hardly works at all against compitent players who are attacking you not keyboard turning around in circles or doing 1 action per minute. I got a rogue on me earlier today and had 0% success in 3-4 fights. This isn’t the only time. You will experience this also.

The key to notice is that it is NOT functioning as it was and that is the cause for all this.

FD+trap pretty much only works in PVP now if you’re fighting a potato that takes 5 seconds or more to retarget you. Any player with normal human reaction times will be able to retarget you and keep you in combat before FD actually does what it’s supposed to. There’s a pretty significant delay for the combat drop from FD which is much longer than it was in vanilla. FD dropped combat practically instantly in vanilla.

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To be fair, they clearly read the thread title. Are you implying that they should read the whole post before replying? Next you’ll be saying that I should read the whole news article, and not just the headline? Read the whole book, and not just the cover? Forget that…too much work!

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Does FD trigger gcd or no? I assume not. I never played vanilla hunter but i’m willing to help find a decent workaround and want to make sure.