In theory, this would use frost trap if not in combat and feign death and then trap if in combat. If feign death dropped combat, it would then still do the frost trap
It’s not the same as vanilla and I would rather they fix it sooner rather than later (or probably never knowing blizzard), however you now just need to press 2 buttons now instead of one which sucks, and it does suck and feel bad but it’s a handicap and by no means invalidates the class just handicaps it. I’ll keep going on mine because I can adapt to this and have 100% been able to pull it off in 1v1 and groups on me without fail, just can’t use one button anymore with one press.
This will only be a dealbreaker when phase 2 comes around and pvp actually becomes a thing and here’s hoping they learn how to code their game before then, will see. For now it’s a just a pain, but it’s so clearly not how it used to be that it kind of makes sense they’d fix it, if they don’t I have no idea what they’re thinking that would be out of bounds.
*edit: form showing me at 27, I’m at 33 now, spent 2 hours in shimmering flats just pvp testing this today by the way. 100% chance to pull it off if you don’t rely on the old macros to do the work for you, it’s clunky but still something you can do. Just feels bad.
I didn’t think so either. I was worried the poster was someone who was making a call based on a limited experience. I have dealt with feign death for a long time now and am finally calling bull on the entire thing. I am tired of it consistently failing and not working. Now that PvP is becoming more frequent it is increasingly apparent that things are wrong.
The reason why that probably isn’t working is because if you are in combat, it is still calling to Feign Death first and may be locking up which is why the castsequence would fix it.
Works “just fine” when a melee player is beating on you? Would love to see it in a video. Because like I said 99% of hunters pvp’ing on classic above 30 are saying it doesn’t
I’m a gladiator hunter on retail and level 36 on classic. I attack every alliance I see in the open world and other than when a mob is on your pet, it works absolutely fine. But I’d love to see a change where you’d be able to trap inside of combat. Higher skilled players will just be able to avoid the trap even when you successfully FD trap.
What I need eventually also is a macro that will basically do:
If (mouseover target exists) then cast scattershot on mouseover target
Else cast scattershot on current target
This will let me scattershot adds in pvp without losing my current target by mousing over them as they are running up
I had a similar macro for arenas for our pet snare/root break that we got in wotlk. I could mouseover a teammate’s name in party, and have my pet break their snare/root, while still being able to dps my current target
I still left showtooltip because I had a lot more in my macro and you may want to mod for other abilities(ex. tricks for rogue)
Can also have a quickset focus keybind when you may get into a surprise 1v2.
/focus [nomod,@mouseover]
This can help save you time by not requiring you to mouseover at the moment of needing to cast. Set focus early and then just hit the bind for use on focus.
I don’t use mouseover spells. That wasn’t necessary in Vanilla or in private servers, I see no reason why it would require something like a mouse over macro to work. There are so many conflicting reports, can we all just agree that it is clunky and off?
Even if you can pull off a feign death freeze trap every once and a while, it isn’t right. Go look up any PvP video of a hunter from back in 2004-2006 and you will see them instantly and seamlessly feign death trap. It IS NOT that way now.