Hunters specifically beastmaster

Yup back to good …old hunter…


Just canceled my sub :man_shrugging:t3:

They posted that they updated it but I’m currently at work and not in any rush to slug out against more Alliance premades at the moment.

Yep hunters have gotten 4 nerfs already for being to good in the leave range they are best in…

We are back to being the the same as Vanilla Hunters with 100% the same build after this new update.

Ya the new rune add a bit of power but they change no game play now.


Teleport Rogues, Mass Fear Priests, Other Hunters, Druids entangle, Palidan stun and bubble invulnerability, it just takes skill and knowledge I have seen game on either side spawn camp because one side was pvp skilled and the other was not. Hunters are not OP the pets are not OP people are just bad.

Eh. I am not really convinced because there is near-zero room for skill expression at level 25 for DPS. It often boils down to gear and how many people you throw at the right target and if your healers can overcome what the enemy dishes out in return.

And saying “It wasn’t OP, people are just bad” is only half true. There are people that are bad at pushing one or two buttons every 5-10 seconds but that does not mean they were not OP.

Wind Serpent was fixed too. They also changed Pet scaling.

Have you never played vanilla wow. Hunters never topped the DPS charts even at 60. The point of SOD was to make talent trees that were not usable to be used. if a hunter pet does damage only because the hunter has gone beast mastery rune and put his talent points into beast mastery is an issue then why give them a rune to make beast mastery usable.

In Vanilla Beast Mastery and Survival are ignored do to their in ability to do anything in raids or PVP at 60. With a full tool kit The Best number 1 hunter in all of Classic with the BIS Nax gear does half the dps of the same warrior. 1065 vs 2100. In SOD it is the same even at LVL 25 stop acting like there is some magical fairy making lvl 60s 50s or 40s fix issues that are existing now. SOD is Classic with runes the pets abilities scale the same difference is only the rune if the rune is OP then it needs to be changed but remember Warriors rogues and Druids all do better with the same Skill Expression issue.


Feral in SoD PvE is zero skill expression and is 100% gear. When I said there is zero room for skill expression for DPS, I meant all DPS, not just hunter. The problem being addressed was a PvP problem, not a PvE one because the two are not comparable. Do not use logs from a dungeon as means to compare PvP performance because they are not equal.

It was never a pvp issue I have never seen a hunter pet go rampaging and killing people left and right. I will admit didn’t even know about the scorpid dps issue or Kill command issue until after they fixed it. Got into PVP and my pet has never single handedly kill anyone. At the end of the PVP match hunter deaths and kills were comparable to any other class sometimes at the bottem since people would focus them. So since the initial fix of kill command hunters do not win matches Premades win matches. Yet again voiding the hunter pet issue completely. Have over 500 honor kills and been on a team with 3 other hunters… lost that match instantly.

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Only 500? Come on man, if you’re talking about credibility we are pretty much on the same page and I only stepped into battlegrounds on two nights, only winning two out of five and fighting an enemy pre-made every other battleground (Last night was three in a row, even). The times we won were because of flag running, not because of winning the fight in mid.

You saying you didn’t even know it was an issue sounds like you didn’t step into WSG in SoD or are just willfully ignoring it.

people get angry that they can’t ignore pets like they usually do

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They want to play the old classic, but didn’t roll on Era.

548 kills and 10359 honor I ignored it till i was lvl 25 and had most my Pre Raid Bis because i don’t waste time in BG’s while leveling. Also main focus was getting to the Raid then getting my Rep Gear. It’s called having priorities. Other then runes the BG is the same it has been for 17 years and is used only for getting the gear from rep and honor.

Yeah, same here. Pre-raid BiS and farmed up 7k honor in two nights, only classes I had to worry about was being HoJed by a paladin and hunter pets chasing me from across the map to break me out of stealth and waste 80% of my mana because stealthing does not break pet targeting.

I am a PvE’er only doing PvP for the gear rewards but the PvP experience was awful enough that I preferred to do PvP on my undergeared warlock alt in retail instead. Let that sink in. I used to love WSG, was a BG I would specific-queue for even after they added all the random bonuses but the state of SoD PvP is… Not great.

Only fun part was killing hunter bots that flagged themselves on blademasters in Ashenvale and that was just for the catharsis of breaking bots.

I think the only class I had no issue with was warriors and priest when they were by themselves. all the others depended on skill but warlocks I could never kill.

Benched my hunter when they redesigned explosive shot. I knew at that point hunters was going to continuosly get nuked until unplayable. At this point hunters are going to be lucky to get an invite to BFD with their trash DPS and little utility.

There was no need to touch lightning breath…
In fact when my scorp poison was hitting for 2000% of base damage, LB was 130%…
Did they take into account that LB was a rank 3 ability???
Wind serpents would already be dethroned by cats next phase due to no rank 4 availability.
Can’t test for a few days but I guess cats became kings a phase earlier.

Good riddance. Hunters are the most broken thing ever right now. Scorpids 1v1 geared warriors and feral druids easily by themselves.

yeh uh the reason why the pet does so much is cuz we have no skills or mana to anything else…