Hunter's NEED an account wide shared pet stable

Hunter’s NEED an account wide shared pet stable.

Maybe something similar to mount collection tab or an additional pet tab in the class book to enable all pets tamed to be shared across all hunter characters.
A quality of life move that would be well received across the Hunter Community


Haha, forgot to switch my character to my Hunter… Classic huntard move :slight_smile:


Not really needed. Would agree if it literally was change a value in a table, but it won’t be and there are plenty of things they could do to make every hunter spec better to play.


Having multiple hunters and having some rare pets on some and not other character would add value and quality of life for people with multiple hunters.
They would also be able to do away with us carrying 5 pet and allow access to any pet in the stable as we require.


After boosting 2nd hunter recently and having only a single dps pet, that felt kinda painful.

They should also give you a tank. and a cunning so to be less of a nîpple twister out of the gate. But, yeah shared would be ideal. :sunglasses:


Also with Animal Companion it is such a time consumer to go, and retame some pets. They are rares that took weeks of camping to tame, and revisiting that experience is a nightmare for some. Then there are the retired pets that can not be doubled.


As a BM hunter, I’ve spent countless hours camping spawn points in hope of taming one of the spirited beasts. It dawned on me that WOW Devs gave us a boost when we had account-wide mounts. Great idea, LONG OVERDUE (Vanilla Wow here). Now that the Devs are listening (reading) for hunters give us Account-wide pets, too. With that said, you save me the time and frustration of trying to find and time (whilst competing with other hunters) for the SAME PET! The best idea you had was to introduce the “ESSENCE SWAPPER” to clown pets. Worst decision for BM hunters was to take it away (for no reason). I log-in, run quest, get swapper, log out, log in later, BOOM, gone.


I absolutely agree. For BM, why not give us account-wide pets like you did everyone for mounts! It would increase enjoyment, reduce frustration, and save countless hours of spawn-sight camping time!


WHY is this so hard for Blizzard to get right. They’ve made pretty much everything else under the sun account bound at this point.

Make all pets accessible to all your hunters.
Disable being able to call spirit beasts or void or speciality beasts unless BM, but still allow them to be browsable in your stable.

That’s it. Nothing crazy. Do you know HOW MANY HOURS my main hunter has camped out for different beasts over the years? Do you think I WANT to wait for Loque’Nahak to spawn again?


While I acknowledge that this, for most, would be taking it to an extreme, it’s not unheard of cases where some players have upwards of 30, 40, or even 50 hunter alts on their account. Regardless of what the currently highest number of pets a single player has tamed, across all of their hunter alts, you can take a look at the theoretical potential numbers.

If someone were to have 50 hunter alts, with a total of 205 pets on each hunter(the max per character), that would equate to over 10k pets in total. Imagine a shared stable, hosting more than 10k hunter pets. While I doubt that there are too many players who actually have that many pets in total, even if you lower that by 50%, that’s still over 5k pets.

Now imagine someone who have taken a certain pet out of their shared stables on one hunter but, at some point, they log on another hunter alt, and they want to use that same pet on that hunter. Then, they have to first figure out which of their hunter alts have already taken that pet out of the stable, they then have to relog to that hunter, put the pet back in the stables, and then log back to the other hunter, and then bring that pet out. And so on…

Again, most hunter players probably don’t even have more than a few percent of the maximum potential number of pets that you could have, if you happened to have that many hunter alts on your account. But even if you had just 3-5 hunter alts, and around 500 pets in total, as soon as you start thinking about swapping pets between your hunter alts, it could easily become a very negative experience, managing pets like this.

And we haven’t even gotten to talk about the absolute nightmare of trying to make this work from a programing POV. It’s not just about a quick fix to make all pets you have on your entire account appear(be displayed) in a commonly shared stable list, whenever you open the stables on one of your hunters.

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I meant set up the system the same way its set up for Mounts. Obviously as a lvl 10 I cannot access certain types of mounts or content, but it’s still viewable in the stable UI as locked until I’m at level to access.

It could be the same functionality for Hunter pets. If I’m set at marksman, then I can still view my spirit beasts I’ve collected, but I can’t pull them unless I switch that toon to BM, etc.


I disagree, much like the heirloom tab or mount tab it could easily work the same as these and function the exact same way.


Someone suggested pet transmog and I like that idea a lot. Capture a pet get its appearance and allow you to make the pet that you want instead of being hard stuck certain pets for PVP and pve etc


99% if they ever do this we will all lose access to glitched or unintended tames.

Bump, cmon Hunter let’s get some noise on this in hope of making it a possibility!!

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In terms of concept/design, sure. Talking actual implementation? It’s anything but easy…

Anyway, not exactly sure what you disagree with, about what I said. All I said was that it could easily turn into a very negative experience for players who have even a few hunter alts, and the number of pets that go into a common/shared stable could easily get out of hand, far more than the number of mounts or battle pets you can have.

I then pointed out that it would also be a giant task to complete, looking at it from a programing POV, again, talking implementation. I never said that the design idea, or approach to concept would be difficult to figure out.

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I gotta ask how come this isnt a thing yet, playing wow remix, I have leveled another, but OMG after looking at my other Hunter, I am not sure I wanna go through all the same time consuming pet finding again.

Blizzard needs to make this happen imo


Yes please. This is the main reason I end up just transferring or faction changing my hunter. I just don’t want to go through all that pain of getting certain tames again. And like someone else said, just make it unlock a skin and let us pick the abilities for the pet. This makes it so we’re not pigeon holed into a specific pet for whatever content we choose and can actually have some variety around Azeroth.

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The transmog idea is great. Warlocks have this already when it comes to changing their voidstalker, imps, or felguards appearance. If it works for Warlocks, I’m not sure why it wouldn’t work for Hunters.

You could even just do same type of animal/family for appearances to lessen the coding headaches lol

Blizzard could easily sovle this with Essence Swapper. It could change the appearance of your pets to match any in your stable across accounts.