Hunters Mark / Stealth mechanic

This change will help hunters all the times they doens’t need to reaply this skill because it expired.

So just a qol change then

Don’t you care about hunters actually being stronger or more versatile though?

They “shine heavily” around 33% less than rogues. If you call this as shine heavily, rogues shines astronomical on 2s.

I mean the only spec as good as SV hunter in 2v2 is outlaw rogue

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Maybe thats why every 8 hunters has 12 rogues.

How is that relevant to strength exactly, when rogues are also much more popular of a PVP class to begin with?

this joke again?
graphs, math, representation has no correlation with power, representation exists based on the popularity of how cool each class is

i’m just done here, lets just ignore that has 10 RPM teams for every team that was not RPM, everyone plays RPM because they are SO COOL AND POPULAR! its not a correlation for power/efficiency.

But i’ll give you a point, blizzard in FACT buffs rogues because they popularity.

Man what do you even know about math to begin with

Do you think that automatically being strong alone is what makes everything have high rep and anything with low rep is god awful?

I think if you tried to have a legitimate discussion anyways you’d come to the conclusion that I’m not even saying anything negative towards hunters, just that if you think something should be improved there’s going to be way more impactful suggestions you can make.

You want to counter rogues in 2v2 better but 2s the higher you go is plagued far more by outlaw rogues and hunters mark isn’t helping with that

The two strongest specs in 2s are sv hunters and outlaw rogues, there’s nothing really to even debate about that

I don’t think about that, i know. Thats exactly how it works. I’ll just change “god awful” words for “less efficient”

I never said anything about that in that previous statement either though, why are you just jumping all over the place

We’re talking about 3v3 and AWC

RMP especially with an outlaw rogue is incredibly versatile and very safe into almost any matchup (meta has somewhat shifted now that demo locks have became popular though so AWC finals will probably have more of those but still keep in outlaw rogues)

How did hunters win AWC in season 2 when they still had absurdly low rep in 2v2 and 3v3 and also in AWC? They have low rep yet they were able to win? How is that possible?

First hunter to win Blizzcon was in Cataclysm also, and hunters were very low repped back then too and swept through the entire tournament. How was it possible for an unpopular spec to win?

Also outlaw rogue had absolutely awful rep until it got picked up one of the weeks in AWC and then EVERY team was able to reroll into outlaw RMP, but was outlaw bad until they swapped their specs and only got better when they switched?

Btw if you look at 3v3 representation right now outlaw rogues have really low rep but it’s clearly obvious that spec is beyond broken, but the numbers surely say that can’t be true???

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I never said that it would be impossible for classes with less performance to beat classes with higher performance.

a person with a knife can beat a person with a gun, the question is how often this happens, I just don’t rely on exception as a rule.

How does this factor in if one class/spec/role isn’t as versatile as another but have equivalent power?

Risk/reward also doesn’t get factored in truly from strength either doesn’t it?

Undoubtedly rogues are a much safer tournament option, and in general are a class that just has a ton of choices it can make - but that doesn’t also mean that hunters don’t have a very powerful role too which is why this comparison is weird anyways. If you did want hunters to perform better at a higher level though wouldn’t it make more sense to suggest changes that prop up your versatility in terms of comps and in game options?

Not just something random for hunters mark which isn’t helping anything

I don’t know if thats intentional toxic or your memory is bad, but we just talk about it.
You said marks duration always were 30 second on pvp, i show you were wrong

I already told you GCD DID impact, mainly on burst metas, whenever you must slow, dmg, dispell it will impact you if you need to reapply marks…

Then you just said randomly “which ins’t help anything”… dear lord

Ya Dill, buffing hunters mark is going to make hunter so much better and the representation charts will show it noob!

Yeah I didn’t even disagree that I was wrong on it’s duration and I made sure to actually double check for myself because I wasn’t positive - looked through WoTLK and MoP videos to be sure and was completely fine admitting a mistake

But dispelling it will happen regardless right? And since the global cd is so fast it’s easier than it ever has been to reapply it

My point had came down to effectively 3 things

  1. For 3v3 outlaw rogues are the meta spec and don’t actively go for restealths, so this doesn’t help competitive viability. They are also not the only thing that you will queue into
  2. Against competent opponents, they will dispel your hunters marks regardless so there’s always been a lot of reapplying vs rogue teams no matter the expansion. However since it is no longer a damage buff and pure utility now, it’s way easier to keep up permanently due to a faster GCD.
  3. If you’re fighting rogue mage in 2s you have plenty of dead globals outside of windows where you can kill them. The game is a back and forth. They do a go, you trade/survive and then keep up pressure as the go is ending. Then before they do a go again you also now will start pre running to avoid being set up on. This gives you downtime where you’re never doing a full PvE rotation. You get plenty of dead globals in a rogue mage 2v2 matchup that you should always have hunters mark active without it being an inconvenience if you’re playing effectively. Times where you get kited or kiting will happen normally or when you’re just waiting for CCs to come back up so you can go offensive. This is when you refresh mark. It doesn’t even end up being inconvenient or noticeable since you just have plenty of windows that you have nothing better to do anyways assuming you’re playing properly

Because of these 3 things I am only suggesting that if you want a better way to hard counter rogues it’s not going to be in the duration of hunters mark - you could make flare itself stronger which I mentioned wayyy earlier since shutting down vanishes or saps harder could be something more effective. However if you want hunter representation to be higher then instead of a very niche change I think a better recommendation would be towards something that gives you a more versatile role don’t you think?

What does changing hunters mark do for helping with melee cleaves, or demo lock comps, or any other meta composition? That’s why I said it’s a “random" suggestion.

Can someone provide me a TLDR on what the Dill and this hunter are debating?

Bad hunter - hunters mark needs buffed so hunters are better, especially vs rogues.

Dill - how would this even help when most higher end rogues are outlaw (no stealth required), or good teams will dispel the mark making you reapply it anyways (which is easier now then ever with 1/2 gcd on it).

athamos is fighting tooth and nail for the dopamine hit from beating dilly in a forum duel

I don’t think hunters mark is good right now. It should be a gcd but permanent until dispelled. Dead globals? Nah bro talk to tranq concussive serpantsting burst in shot slow trap disengage etc. no one’s got time to mark as you are getting run down by double zug zugs as marks as you barely get spacing for aimedshot.

While I don’t think hunter is bad as they have great damage right now. Living is hard similar to classes without immunities or close to immunities.

Thank you. You saved me a lot of pain and suffering. I won’t forget you.

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