Hunters Mark / Stealth mechanic

So…rogue burst damage which kills you in 3 seconds window and abundant CC tools excess go unnoticed through months…

But hunters mark must be dispellable and short duration because thats too much?

Whats the criteria behind hunters mark? Theres literally NOTHING which counters stealth in this game, one of the only tools is just nerfed at a point that it doens’t make difference if you use or not…


Dots, hunter’s mark, flare, AOE.

Oh sorry forgot the big one that everyone hates;


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literally none of this stops rogue opening.


Sure it does.

If they aren’t in stealth they can’t open from stealth. Seems like a pretty simple solution to me.


DH sight but, rogues shadowstep with conduit out ranges us so we can’t get them out before they shadowstep sap us. Or their teammates just hit us.

Subterfuge nulifies every single one of these.

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What outlaw or assa rogue play subterfuge lol.

And even if the rogue has subterfuge, you know what you do after popping them from stealth?


I know, crazy.

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poor troll


Yeah it’s hard to just do the bare basics of How Not To Die 101 written by Every Normal Human Being.

I believe in you, I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually. Reading is quite hard, so I understand your frustration.

Stop this, hunters mark is fine as is.


No, its not.
do you need me to bring a representation of the ladder or awc?
Hunters counters rogues in an inexistent form.

Yes it is.

All we needed to know about you’re lack of game knowledge.

Mark and flare are great vs stealth, learn how to use them.


Like what cov said

Rogue is absolutely disgusting and blizz has an awful bias towards them and the light blue class but hunter has very strong anti stealth mechanics


“VErY STroNG anti-STeaLTH MECHanics”

AWC, 45 rogue teams, 2 hunter teams
Ladder, a single rogue spec surpasses all 3 hunter specs.

Theres absolutely NONE scenario which hunters surpasses rogues in anything. Marks efficiency is non-existent.

We could talk about your opinion or percentage data, i let you pick one of them.


Hunter rep has always been low tho, regardless of how good it is or not. Did you think about any historical context at all or did you just blindly look at numbers ?

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You don’t even understand how to use this to help your case.

If you say so, I surpass them all the time.


Lol, you’re dumb.

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This game is all about meta (last AWC prove this), which means the game works through efficiency, mathmatically hunters ARE NOT efficient against rogues.

Nerf Evasion/Blur for MM master race

Remove Greater Fade too

Okay did you ignore the meaning of everything I said or what

You said “regardless of how good it is or not” which is a false, a lie a poor opinion.
My answer was about efficiency, if they are less efficient they will not be played;
or do you naively really think that professional players make worse choices for the mere “reputation” of hunters? for the love of the god even you don’t believe it

according to brahmot professional players think like this:

“so hunter is currently the best class but their reputation is not good, i’ll take a worse class that has better reputation”