I’ve been marks for 5 years without Lonewolf.
I did mage tower without Lonewolf.
That’s as relevant as your point.
You missed the point.


Hunters can choose their pet’s specialization and Marks don’t get a pet anymore cause most have been Lone Wolf don’t discredit each other.

I don’t care that you didn’t use Lone Wolf.

Just wanted to make it clear where you’re coming from, thank you.

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I made a thread about pet specialization, you came in to troll about something unrelated.

I just said this, which directly negates what your post is about.
This is a quote literally in the post… that you posted… that ruins your whole career…
Are you just looking to be offended and gain some cheap bumps?
This isn’t even a GD topic tbqh, it’s a Hunter topic and is being done to death in the Hunter forums.
So at least appreciate my charity of your pathetic bumps.

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headpats the sad troll


You cherry-picked a paragraph from the Blizz post the OP used to start the thread with that has absolutely nothing to do with the OP’s subject.

The OP started a thread about the ability to choose pet specs and linked to the Blizz posting saying such.

You went in, highlighted an unrelated part of said post and are now trying to change the topic of the thread to something else entirely unrelated.

So yeah, GTFO, go troll elsewhere.

Or start your own thread about that subject if you wanna talk about it.

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holy alt army is on fire today lmaoo

This comment I made which is a quote from the link… from the OP… actually didn’t even elicit a response.
But it provoked at least two mad responses because ego? idk. Narcissism? OP understood that it… undermines… their whole post and they immediately saw red :anger: hahah

If you don’t understand the comment, I dunno how else to spell it out other than the way I have 3 times now?
I’ll try a forth way:
What happens to swapping your pet’s spec when this quote from the post you linked ( :joy:) literally says pets will be removed for MM.
I’ll wait! I’m sure you’ll come back with some insults because I’m having a great time, and we can’t have that- fun detected! :tropical_drink:

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I am detecting a surprising lack of Fire, Uranium (bombs), and No survivors…

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Nice. I thought it was a stupid thing to take away in the first place. I love using Mechanical pets on my Goblin and Gnome Hunters for the theme, but it sucks they’re locked to Cunning. Being able to have Ferocity Mecha-hounds would be great.

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Beast Mastery hunters will still be able to change their pets’ specs.

This thread is not about MM Hunters, it’s about all hunters who can use pets, namely, Beast Mastery Hunters.

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ok ok
so you just didn’t realize that MM = Marksmanship.
All good, homie.

This is 100000% the most exciting development in 11.1 for me, bar none.

Beyond the content, beyond the other changes, beyond Undermine… THANK YOU BLIZZARD for this change. I have spent years on my hunter being frustrated that the pets that most matched my class fantasy have always been the wrong spec. (Usually it’s been pets I really want to use that are locked into Cunning.) I can’t tell you how happy this makes me.

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Now they just need to let us change audio files for hunter gun sounds again.

I think it was due to the patch at the time it changed and they never went back to change it.

I could find audio files of star wars blasters or machines guns for barrage lol

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No, I know what it means.

The OP did not say “MM Hunters” in her OP.

She said “Hunters, it’s happening” and “Hunter Pets” which applies to any hunter that can use a pet.

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Ask someone to extract the files from Classic.

And MM is one of those specs that fall in the “Hunter” class/category…
Again, for a 5th time. You realize my quote was from the link. In the OP. Right?

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And again, you do realize that the OP can talk about part of the Blizz post, right?

The Blizz post was talking about hunters as a whole, and one of those changes, the subject of this thread, is the fact that Beast Mastery Hunters can change their pet’s specialization at the stable master.

That’s the subject of this thread.

YOU on the other hand are trying to hijack the thread and make it about MM Hunters instead for some stupid reason.


I literally copypasta’d an exerpt from OP’s post, put it directly in the thread to show the irony, with no intention to have a discussion, and you are having a meltdown about it for like 20 comments now saying I’m “hijacking” the thread lol

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No, you copypasta’d a paragraph from a post the OP linked to that was outside the scope of this thread that is wholly irrelevant to the subject of this thread.

EDIT: And not only that, but you tried to use it as evidence as to why the OP was “wrong” about the thread.

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