So it looks like frost is getting a nerf, Sad times. Was fun while it lasted :frowning:

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we had it until Legion and then a bunch of mouth breathing pvpiers complained they can’t defeat hunters if hunters can respec pets.


about flipping time.

As one of the few hunters who liked to play marksman without lone wolf, I am sad that they’re just shoehorning us into it now. Guess it’s back to BM

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YAY! This is the best patch note

Exactly this. The other thing we had that got removed, and is now back is autolearning all the FPs without visiting. Glad to see they hired a QoL team of people who probably log in, play, and figure out what could improve things.

Won’t Clefthoof still be the Best Pet Family?

OMG yes, please. The base line rifle sounds have always been terrible. The current one is especially bad. I used to mod the rifle SFX to the shotgun from Doom.

i got a little excited for a moment there lol

not really, its only 3% which isn’t as much as it used to be. you can just slap on a few leech enchants and you’ll be sitting pretty as if your tenacity pet is indeed a ferocity pet

Time to hop back on my Dwarf BM hunter with my Bears as Ferocity pets and go chew some stuff up. :+1: :grinning: