It’s about damn time, although I still think Primal Rage should be a Hunter ability instead of a pet one.

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Is a hunter abilty, you just need a pet out to use it. Or are you confusing it with ancient hysteria, the bloodlust ability?

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it’s called primal rage now lol but yeah marksman hunters are getting a version of it without pet since now they won’t have a real pet just a owl that triggers/is triggered by abilities. that version is called Harrier’s Cry or something like that

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You’re talking to people who think there are still DPS and tank pets.

Yeah, that’s the one my bad.

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there are still tank pets, the families that have defensive racial abilities like bears and dragonhawks and umm clefthides i think they’re called? and stuff. not really dps pets though i guess.

I get what people mean when they say it, but in practice the leech for BM makes ferocity better in many instances than tenacity. Instead, Tenacity is better for group content for the defensives.

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i was referring to the animal ability not the spec ability. like bear’s “thick hide” that activates when hurt to 50% reducing all damage by a percent% for some seconds and such. This will be more clear when we can respec pets in the coming undermine patch.

Ah, yeah.

I wasn’t really poking at that with my original post, rather people saying things like they’d use x or y pet to tank or DPS now, as if that’s changing much at all really.

Still a good change IMO, small as it is with modern WoW’s pet design.

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You vastly overestimate the impact of the feature on subs if you honestly think that.

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Ferocity pets suck for keeping multiple mobs off of you without having to do stupid stuff like spamming misdirection.

I miss the days when I could just send my devilsaur in and he’d stomp and that’d be the end of that, he’d keep threat the whole battle and as long as I kept using Mend Pet, he’d have no trouble at all staying alive.

I leveled 2 of my hunters during the Prepatch and one of them after TWW launch and I’m constantly pulling threat off my pets and when there’s multiple mobs, half of the time I can’t keep crap off of me. One explosive shot and I’m now tanking all but 1 mob.

And don’t get me started on the Hero talents and the supposed self-healing. I have like a million+ health while leveling in TWW. The shadow shot stuff on the hero talents heal for like 3k a pop. Woo. That’s a fraction of the damage taken by 1 single hit from 1 single mob.

Otherwise, the only heal is a once-per-3 minute 20% of my health. Woo.

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no. you will play the game blizzards way and LIKE IT.


I like pets to have uniqueness in pets but the cunning/tenacity/ferocity thing is a pretty generic feeling layer of play to me. I need the one ability (usually ferocity in my case) and thus take ferocity pets with me 90% of the time and bench everything else.

I wanna use my spirit beasts more so let’s gooo

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Tenacity doesn’t do any better at this, though.

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It does, though.

I remember what my Devilsaur set to Tenacity would do, lol.

I remember all the stomp spam and how stuff would just remain glued to it.

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All my hunter has ever wanted since it was taken away :face_holding_back_tears:


That’s awesome for the hunters! glad to see it coming back!!

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Just kidding! Lmaoo


Doesn’t override the above, most Marks have been Lone Wolf for a while.