If you’re in a guild tryhard enough to have hunters of this kind, then your guild is definitely the type where your warriors are PvPing between raids.
Im glad to see you’re admiting you were wrong. I’d hate to think you would make a statement against IV’s weights and info.
The trick is getting BRE to drop.
I don’t know what world you live in, but weapon drops are rare. Very few warriors even still have BRE. There is no guild in the world, that has all of their warriors equipped with a BRE. The drop rate is insanely low.
If you haven’t gotten BRE, and if Ash drops, you pick it up.
No arguement there.
But like, this whole conversation is assuming that Ashkandi would be an upgrade for the warrior. If every warrior in this imaginary raiding guild we’re using as an example, had BRE before BWL came out, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. Because that situation is pretty much literally impossible.
I thought we were discussing a hypothetical “priority list” like for a loot council using guild. In the case where the warrior has a worse weapon then thats a different matter, especially if the hunter already has a better weapon than the warrior in this case.
If I were forced to use loot council, I would always vote items go to whomever they would be the biggest upgrade for if all things were considered equal.
I have 2 characters at 60 both doing MC since mid OCT, and so far no BRE has dropped in either raid team.
We have seen on raid team 1 for melee weapons: 3 Perdition’s blades, 5 Brutality blades, 3 VisKag, 4 Core Hound Tooth, 2 Gut Gore Ripper, 2 Obsidian Edge Blades, 7 Earth shakers, 6 Lava dredgers, and almost every week Vendor Strike.
I don’t track caster weapons because they drop like rain…
For Raid team 2 the stats are close to the same.
BRE thus far has not dropped for either team.
We’re probably going to be in phase 6 by the time any guilds have warriors all with better or equal weapons to ashkandi tbh dude. High end 2h drops are rare.
So these hypothetical BiS / Loot prio discussions are kind of useless. You really have to consider practice, because that’s our reality.
And YOU get a Mageblade, and YOU get a Mageblade, and YOU get a Mageblade.
Dude isn’t that the truth, eveyone that wants one has one and they’re on rott now… Heck even the Staff of Dominance has what appears to be a really high drop chance.
We also see a ton of the Aura stone hammer; not sure why caster weapons are so damn common but they are.
Yep, we’ve had 2 raid teams going for about 3 months, and so far we’ve got 1 BRE, I think 8 OEB’s and a couple spinals between the two raids. So we’ve got a huge warrior OEB club going, which is nice. But we’re all looking forward to better rag drops and good BWL drops hopefully.
Crazy thing is we’ve had 4 eyes. None of the dps warriors can be f’ed with that though. They were given to shamans and tanks. So far we’ve only made 1 hand of rag cause ingots aren’t dropping.
LOL we have the exact opposite problem… Tons of ingots and no eye.
Yeah it’s always one or the other isn’t it?
Fights are very short for the most part, I dont think you understand what can be accomplished with even 2 procs. UTB procs I pop a deathwish, mighty rage, maybe reck if it’s up. The bloodthirst isnt just going to hit a little harder, it’s going to hit for multiple of their rotations. We will see. 880ap, let that sink in.
Yeah UTB is insane damage. With damage like that, fights don’t last long either and your DPS will be through the roof. The only thing you have to worry about is pulling threat. Better hope the tank is a monster. On a human, UTB is crazy. There’s a video I’ve seen on Skarm’s youtube channel somewhere of a human 2h slam UTB warrior dpsing in naxx on a private server, keeping up with geared dw fury warriors and rogues.
Icyveins is trash. But for real. Post on your hunter. I wonder if you are as credible as I am. A quick look at the logs will tell me.
Alliance it’s pretty much a pvp weapon…On horde idk if it workst htat way tho
Very weird that people refuse to believe melee weaving is a thing. Currently it isn’t that much of a big deal because Rhok is too fast and Lok isn’t strong enough to warrant risking the clipped autos. Once you get the xbow it becomes a lot more reliable and with Ashkandi it will be ideal to weave on fights where you can.
Not saying it is best to give it to a hunter (although for alliance it technically is for pve) but it shouldn’t be disregarded as an option. Also 1k+ raptor strikes in pvp can be quite a big deal for winning fights. Not as important in pvp as for a warrior obviously but not as minor as people make it out to be.
It’s even more wierd that people think it is. What planet is this even from?
I didnt say discard Ashkandi. I said that there are much better and more easily attainable options for hunters.
You’re not weaving melee in raid.
The only place where this is applicable is solo PVE, for the entire rest of the game experience doing so is unwise and will either A get you killed or B get you killed or C waste a healers mana healing you when you should not be taking damage in the first place.