Hunters in my guild want to get ashkandi

and why shouldnt i? i wont take it over a warrior if they REALLY want it, but i sure as hell would love to have it

Maybe a better term is semi-hardcore or ambitious.

But yeah why bother with working towards any gear. I bet Apes could clear Naxx completely naked right now in an hour. Who needs gear lol.

which piece of ranking gear is not replaced by bwl? i cant think of one.

I am very confused why a hunter would want a 2-handed sword. Since all loot is Hunter loot do they not want, instead, an additional one-handed weapon to compliment Thunderfury.

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R10 Shoulders + R8 legs (+40 ap bonus) are best in slot P3 if you don’t hit R12, and if you do, R10 helm + shoulders are still best in slot for raw DPS stats for all of vanilla.
R12 legs are Best in slot until P5-6.
R12 boots, R13 shoulders are also insane. And shoulders are best in slot until AQ 40 shoulders if you need the hit.

Personally I’m just going for R10 for the moment, because I work. R10 is the sweet spot cause the 2 piece bonus never really goes out of style. Find a helm / shoulders combo that has more raw damage output (AP/Crit). It doesn’t exist.

You’re also allowing your raid to gear faster if there are fewer warriors that need chromatic boots or Drake Talons if they have something comparable from ranks.

TBH rank gear for warriors is insane. I know it isn’t for every class/spec but it’s a big deal for DPS/PvP and Threat tanks. Warrior tier gear is all PvE mitigation which isn’t even optimal for tanks these days. This might sound stupid to some people but if giving a warrior Ashkandi helps him get to rank 10-13, holy crap, that’s huge. Whether they’re DPS or a tank, the gear is extremely useful for all vanilla content.

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I’m not advocating that you shouldn’t have it.

I am telling you that you have better, easier to obtain options.

Warriors then hunters OR pallies. Pallies are multi-role.

yea, easier to obtain weapons for PvE. Theres more to classic then just PvE.

Did you just imply healing parses mean anything?? That’s as comical as trusting icyveins. Your healing parse goes up for weeks with fewer healers, or if you assign yourself to solo heal a tank with Holy Light or Rank 7 Healing touch at the expense of potentially causing a wipe. Kinda hard to parse when the raid barely takes damage in a 30 second fight with 6 palidan healers, and you are decursing. Heck healers are trying to parse by taking fire protection potions and purposely getting hit by baron explosions, or purposely standing in magmadar fire.

Second, it was viable AND optimal on private servers. A lot of people failed at it, but a few didn’t. I accept an argument that classic has x differences from private servers, so it won’t work. But all you have done is say that its hard.


Melee weaving on a hunter is a thing that can improve the dps of the hunter, however 9/10 hunters who try it will do it wrong and result in a dps loss.

You need very specific conditions to be met to do it. Very slow ranged weapon, very slow melee weapon. Good timing, low ping. Good positioning. And a lot of practice.

Ideally you don’t want to even attempt to melee weave with a ranged weapon faster than 3.4 because the window for error becomes so small it’s likely you will lose dps.

It is however a dps increase in most cases if done right.

You again!?

I like that whole defensive thing you did regarding parses. You’re right though. Parses are a useless measure by which to examine the grasp a player has on their class because they can be cheesed. /rollseyes

Also you keep throwing out “private server” as if that is supposed add credibility to what you are trying to sell.

I get it though. Some of you read something years ago on a private server and that is your measure of someone being “a good hunter.”

I will simply settle for being better at my class…than you are at yours.


So let’s give all the 2 handers to hunters so they can try melee weaving in raids like idiots and probably fail at it, lol.

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I didn’t read about it. I saw it first hand last year. About 3 alliance hunters succeeded with it on K3, specifically Nazty, the rank 7 hunter in the world in classic atm.

That ends the discussion.

There is no way you can sell a guild on giving a hunter Ashkandi by claiming it is optimal with this as your sample size. It’s like budgeting for lottery money because 1 in 1,000,000,000 ain’t “impossible” odds.

If you recall, I suggested giving it to a tryhard hunter over a nonpvping warrior in a PVE guild. If my r9+ warriors wanted it, the hunter isn’t getting it. And 3 hunters on K3 (~500 alliance raiding by the end) is going to be wayyy more on classic. Especially because people are getting bored.

Thhhhhis. This This This This.

Its not about sample size or convincing. Its just math. Ash is better for hunters than warriors compared to other raid options.

Alright so. Ashkandi is a serviceable, far less than optimal weapon compared to other raid options for hunters.

Already been over this with you.

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Maybe on horde. Alliance hunters are able to compete with warriors and rogues because no WF.

In a single target fight hunters out dps all casters and the majority of equal geared melee. The exception to this is if the raid gets full world buffs and consumes, as hunters don’t benefit as much from them.

They can be somewhat competitive now, but as gear progresses hunters will fall off unfortunately. They’re still needed for specific roles in later raids but you only need like 1-2 of them. But that doesn’t matter for the majority of the playerbase.

Only the stupid hardcore need to care about that.