Hunters Can Tame Pretty Much Anything

I dunno, I think the fire elementals are pretty hot.

They still can’t tame druids.

I wouldn’t mind having more Void Pet options, though. (Also can we just have the Velf starter pet running around their starter area in a tameable form? Would make it possible for those who race changed (raises hand) to get it.)

There are tamable versions but not any for a level 10 hunter. Good thing leveling is much quicker these days.

Good to know. Once Blizz finally pushes out that **** old GPU fix they talked about, I know where I’m going.

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Except giant Rats, I’m very sad and disappointed about that. :frowning:

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meanwhile warlocks control same crappy imp from 2005.

Next is humanoids, ima tame you!!!

Not while you’re busy with that demon harlot, warlock!

She’s not a Harlot. I don’t pay her.

You don’t want me to tell you what that makes her, then.

Well, you’re right; however, warlocks did get a change to their creatures: they now take longer to summon one! :crazy_face:

Something which would be considered completely normal if she were a man? Discriminate much?

No, men can be called the same thing.

Then you’ll have to elaborate.

I’d like to, but the Code of Conduct prohibits such language.

Chicken :chicken: chicken :chicken:

To be fair, it’s entirely faithful to the hunter class identity. It’s “That’s a Hunter weapon!” all over again!

And pretty much whenever warlocks ask for new pets or a pet system revamp or something like Demo having two pets out at once, you pretty quickly see a Hunter chime in with “No! That’s a Hunter thing! We’re the pet class! Get your own class identity!”

We have our own class identity. Our class identity is being the class that has its mechanics and aesthetics carved up and handed to other classes. I’m half expecting to see in other expansion or two down the line, Blizz says they’d rather us not play Demo again because the spec was testing out mechanics for Necromancers

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Warriors tame two handers. One for each Bicep

Can’t tame Void Hounds, though… :frowning: They’re classed as Aberrations, not beasts.