Hunters but specifically BM playing conditions need action

%5 isnt going to cut it for BM. i appreciate the bonus of %5 more damage, but there is a real problem with BMs and it sincerely isn’t Just damage. This isnt going to be long but it is going to be straight to he point.

BM hunters rely on their pets to do damage. Hunters need to be tankier, or glass canons…right now their squishy/mediocre damage.

DPS- Cobra shot needs to hit between 1200-1500 damage with up to 2200 crit.
Kill command needs to hit 6-8k
BARB shot needs to bleed the target 6-8k over 8 seconds
chimera shot needs to hit 1600 damage. single target only

utility - binding shot needs to be baseline
SCatter shot needs to be baseline
frozen traps need to be changed into -freezing arrow it needs to be a casted shot- which freezes the target (Dispel able)
Roar of Sac needs to work like Pain suppression 40% less damage taken by all sources
they also need a heal over time

pets die to0 easily. either- make the mend pet ability an instant heal or 1 second cast to rez or pets need to be tankier or untargetable. in one ashran i rezed my pet 76 times… in 34 mins…almost 2x per min. unacceptable. very unfun when every other class has too many way to stop you from casting it.

hunters should be able survive alone. they should be the class with locks that are able to solo most content and pvp content.

SV - needs to go back to ranged and it needs to be a DOT class again.

i pay 15$ a month for a product this is defective. I should not be forced to spend my time learning or playing a class i do not want to play, just so i can be invited to parties to play in a grp. as of now, I want to play BM. it is one of the classes you made. its broken. its not even on part with most classes. Most classes have better consistent damage, better burst, better utilities, better self heals, better self defensives and a foothold in some form of PVE/PVP content. BM hunters do not.

there is something very wrong, when all you see is the same 5-6 classes being played.

there is something wrong, when only 1-2 tank specs are worth playing.
there is something wrong when only 1-2 heal specs are played.
there is something wrong when a class is not represented in the charts.

5% is not enough. BM doesnt have a nitche rn…it needs one. and adding a flat 5% damage increase isnt going to cut it.
thanks for reading. but thanks in advance for the prompt changes.


Melee SV is fine. If anything, they should just add the 1-2 spells back as talents in MM or give people the 4th RSV. I can guarantee you that it won’t age well and it won’t play like it did in your glory days of pre-BC. They can’t get SV or BM working right, and MM is shakey, do you think they can give you a balanced and fun RSV? Good luck with that.

Do we need buffs? Yes. Do we need better Torghast powers? Definitely. Do we need Dual Wield? I would like that very much, thank you. We haven’t been reworked since SL. Many people love SV, and it needs to stay around.

If you made it a dot class again, it won’t be like current Shadow Priest or Affliction. It won’t be fast dots, it’ll be slow Feral / Rogue dots. You can’t have a mobile ranged class that can do all damage on the run with big explosive fast DoTs.

I’ve argued enough with the RSVs like Beeps, and it’s tired. Keep marching the forums for a return to RSV, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

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When people are asking for RSV to return, they aren’t asking for anything we had pre-BC. Or even during TBC.

SV prior to WotLK had no distinct playstyle. It was merely a set of talents that focused on increasing our survivability through better defensives and utility. And with a few damage-oriented elements as well.

RSV and the thematic focus that came with, started to take shape during WotLK and was developed into a core spec in Cata(just like all other specs were).

You can make it’s damage profile into somewhat of a mid-between of the two extremes.

As a base, your damage is generally dealt at a slower(non-bursty) pace. But with things like the old Explosive Shot making up for slightly higher burst potential.
Especially with aid from some talents, where they add even more burst potential at the cost(lack) of additional sustainability or max potential in the long run.

Note that I’m not talking MM levels of burst potential here. But rather, closer to the levels found with BM, just with less frequent opportunities to push said burst.

Where are you getting these numbers?

Your proposed Kill Command would hit harder than Aimed Shot with no cast time, half the cooldown, and not even requiring LoS of the target provided your pet has LoS.

Your placement of the dollar symbol is blasphemy.

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MM doesn’t want them. SV was it’s own thing, and needs to not be shoehorned into MM.


In what way are you “forced”

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MM doesn’t want them, but they got them. Other than Locked and Loaded and Black Arrow, what is missing from the original survival of importance? Making MM able to shift to RSV would be far easier than make a 4th RSV spec with spells sharing from MM with an add of 1-2 spells. Wouldn’t be a good use of time to have the same spec, again, with 2 additional spells.

It be even easier to get ride of MSV because it has low representation. But removing specs is wrong. The damage profile of RSV during MOP. What I would consider it’s glory days wasn’t as strong in single target as MM. It wasn’t as strong on AOE as BM. But it did AOE better then MM and it did single target better then BM. Balance. Not only that but it was fully mobile and yet wasn’t a dominant pvp spec. Nor was it some kind of crazy over represent spec in the meta. So this narrative of a fully mobile spec being unfair has just got to stop. The last tier of MOP showed what balance can look like. Or we can just make Fire mages the best. You know the fully mobile mage spec with a huge damage profile. Oh right every once and while you might have to cast fireball.

Umm last I checked kill command can only be used when in line of sight of hunter. You can’t kill command behind pillars anymore. Only way you can is the busted kyrian arrow and that being said you can aim shot double tap through pillar with kyrian so there’s that miss on your part…


If the goal is to actually achieve the playstyle that was RSV and not just have some talent-based abilities with the same names but with pretty much no mechanics that match…

If you actually want to achieve RSV, then everything is missing really. Part from maybe Serpent Sting, although SrS in MM does not interact with anything nor does the spec provide any additional improvements/augmentations to the ability. Which is also what RSV did…

Survival LnL was so much better than MM’s version. You got 3x explosive shot every time you trapped which was great in PvP because you could set up cc chains along with your burst window.

Compare that to MM where you have no control when LnL procs.

Also talents like entrapment, wyvern sting made survival a really fun spec.