Hunters are officially useless, thanks Blizzard

We got the worst runes out of all the classes, Explosive Shot didn’t need to be nerfed that hard and neither did Chimera Shot and on top of that we already got our Chest rune nerfed so we’re forced to go Aspect of Lion if we’re Horde to give Kings while Ally Hunters get to swap it off.

This is very bad balancing, and it only shows how bad the future of SoD will be if this balance team continues to do heavy handed nerfs.

RIP Hunter, no difference between Era and SoD hunter now as they play the same while all classes get new abilities and ways to change gameplay.


100% Agree. We just went back to basic Hunter gameplay now. We have nothing special and it feels so slow…

explosive shot literally hits for 8dmg? LOL what a great braindead move Blizzard.

What’s next? Going to nerf our pet dmg by 25% again???


Hunters were doing 3-4x everyone elses dps in BFD world first… how was it not a warranted nerf?


Thanks, it was fun while it lasted.


Nerf it, but don’t make it useless.

It’s called balance, not killing it with a sledgehammer.


they’re doing a bit, of the classical annoying stereotypical hunter that is always either crying or mad… i think?

(to OP, their damage was absolutely cracked man how did you NOT see this nerf coming?)

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now they do equivalent dps to everyone else… what’s the issue?

Here you go:

No point in a “Balance” team if they’re not going to actually balance anything.

Nah we have the worst runes out of everyone, if you log into Era the gameplay is the exact same as in SoD while every class gets new ways to play.

We get zero compensation.

Balance team confirmed the same cry babies on the forums that overreact, typical Blizzard and community response.


Are you surprised, though?
Every balance “fix” through Classic has been overkill only to be reverted soon after.

Hopefully they do revert it or even just compensate and add something else for us, I just hate how we went from fast paced Hunter back to Era hunter lol

Figured the whole point of SoD was exploring new gameplay options.


it’s not though, it worse than just vanilla era hunter.


that’s entirely subjective and I’d argue rogues have the worst runes

I mean yeah that too, it just sucks to play SoD hunter rn.

They get Shadowstep, a ranged slow, and tons of other tools.

Objectively speaking all of our Glove runes are trash, Explo Shot had 2 problems which is high dps + low mana, just lower the dps and increase mana.

Instead they gutted all the dps, made it some trash AoE so now the only viable glove slot is Carve which does no damage and has no synergy with anything else or go BM, which is fine but not really new or exciting like other classes.


The Nerf to Chimera shot was just pure spite. One of us must have one shot a Dev.


Yeah, Chimera didn’t hit anywhere as hard as explosive and close to aimed shot damage at max level.


its shadowstep thats usable in stealth only which is literally useless as if you’re stealthed you’re making it to your target anyways. Nobody is going to use that unless dance is added to the game.

Our rune came as a prenerfed version of an ability we’ve already had before. How is that new or exciting?

The only thing exciting about explosive shot was that hunters were killing mobs in 10x faster than everybody else.

I get you bro but peep this:

Balance should be made, I agree but the changes they made are just horrible for the class and they even nerfed Chimera which is already bad.

It’s hunters today but rogues tomorrow, mages, locks, etc.

If people are just happy with super heavy handed nerfs like this then it’ll only get worse, this game mode lives and dies by their ability to balance properly which they aren’t doing.


Warriors would like a word sir.

Bro some of the synergy’s we’ll have with our runes at higher levels will absolutely one tap someone.

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The issue is that it’s not fun.

Explosive Shot and Flanking Strike are quite literally the only 2 fun runes they gave hunter, everything else is either a passive or something that hunters have always hated (Lone Wolf and Sniper Training) but Blizzard constantly just keep on trying to shove it down our throat.