Hunters are officially useless, thanks Blizzard

what made explosive shot fun besides doing unreasonable amounts of damage? I’m trying to understand your argument from my point of view and a simple damage nerf bringing it inline with other classes doesn’t seem even remotely unreasonable. If its not fun because it’s not broken any longer than maybe you liked it for the wrong reasons to begin with?


Because it’s a fun ability to use? It’s an actual ABILITY, not a boring passive that does nothing or an ability that isn’t fun to use like WotLK Kill Command.

Did you not read the hotfix notes? They literally changed how the ability work, it’s not fun to use anymore because no one wants an AoE Explosive Shot.


I would have much preferred Blizzard buff Rogue runes so that they could have also experienced the SoD fantasy of powerful game changing runes

Explosive shot needed a nerf, it was too strong. Though i do not think it needed a redesign but just a reduction in damage. Dunno why Chimera got hit, it wasn’t even close to explosive. Over all still doing ok damage, but the nerf did feel a bit heavy handed. Yes I am playing a hunter.


That’s my problem with it.

I would’ve been okay with it being toned back,

I hate the redesign, I don’t want more AOE, especially in PVP when facing plate armor warriors.


They could have removed the cooldown from Volley, like they did with Hurricane.

Wouldn’t matter at 25, but…not everyone needs great aoe in this bracket.

They needed to bring out the nerf tack hammer.

Instead, as always when dealing with paladins and hunters, Blizz brought out the nerf sledgehammer.

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No sense playing a hunter in sod now after these meat axe cuts to our runes.


We are now forced into aspect of the lion and we go super oom without master marksman. Awful change. If this is the case we need scaling to serpent sting and every other ability we have. They know our scaling is awful. Chim shot in itself is a bade ability to use as serpent sting is attached to it. Mana is much to high to use it as well.


SoD = Season of Paladins/Shamans/Warlock

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I am watching snuts stream and the hunters are doing 80-90 single target dps how is that useless? They are top damage in this group

I’m sure most of the people complaining aren’t 25 and are bothered its now more difficult to level.

Look at their mana. Awful gameplay. Don’t forget this is level 25. Hunters has always been like this. People were more excited about the gameplay hunter gave. Now we are back to the classic feel. The runes they gave us are very boring. Now the only fun ability (chim shot) is nerfed and does not scale as serpent sting is awful and doesn’t scale off our ap. We will now just always be oom if we cant run master marksman because blizzard thought it was a great idea to give us aspect of the lion…


What this does have to do with the nerf?

Did you even read the title of your own thread?

The point is that our gameplay is the same as Era, other classes feel better to play and are actually different.

All we discovered is that Blizzard doesn’t know what to do with hunters.


there’s always retail, hunters will always be king in retail.

explosive shot was not killing mobs 10x faster than other dps, LOL play a hunter please


Give melee hunter a try…you might be pleasantly surprised

“overreact” lol. The only one doing that is you bud

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