Hunters are not OP and don't deserve any more nerf

You sure you don’t want to bring up 2.1 one more time before you go?

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“OP is a boost” “No you’re a boost” “No you’re the one who is boosted” “No you” “who says I’m boost” “you are boost” “what do you mean I’m selfplay” “so who is boost?”

Rofl the hysteria these days, is it that hard to read check pvp or the achievements in the armory?

And yes, OP is boosted.

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the root arrow needs to have its duration halved.

hunters need all knockbacks and movement forcing abilities removed.

turtle shell needs to either be poppable or reduce your damage output by 99% while active.

stuff like snipershot which can 1 shot players should share a CD with all other hunters in the match, or alternatively put this on a talent row where it competes with turtleshell. high damage output should make a hunter the most fragile glass cannon, not a highly mobile tank.

Explosive shot is on a 3-second delay, so if I tag you with it before you go behind the pillar, then it would explode after you run behind it regardless. Also if the aimed shots are hitting you for 14k, then the explosive shot isn’t doing 24k. Would be closer to 8k.

If these changes happen then it won’t bring Hunters in line with the other classes, it will cause them to fall well below the average mark. Snipershot also isn’t 1 shotting anyone and late-game players rarely take it over the rest of the more powerful PvP abilities.

Aspect of the turtle is only good because of craven, get rid of craven and aspect of the turtle becomes another sub-par defensive.

Things like Explosive trap and the Kyrian resonating arrow are the ONLY reason hunters are viable in Arenas. If you take these away then hunters will be unplayable in Arenas.

I’m not saying hunters are weak, because they aren’t. They are very strong. But if we are talking nerfs here, hunters should be ~5th in line.

These are all terrible suggestions that would completely gut the class. The game isnt balanced around BGs, and would destroy hunter in arena.

A simple nerf would just be to remove sniper shot from the pvp talents.

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you have other traps and slows.

even pally bubble can be popped.

the amount of knockbacks overall in the game is too high, especially when they can cause players to disconnect and get stuck in a DC loop.

my thought on snipershot sharing a CD is specifically to limit it in bgs without impacting arena. that way you can’t have 7 hunters all target the same person with snipershot at the same time from the back completely free of danger. yet 1 hunter on an arena team can still use it.

I would be much more willing to give up Explosive trap if everyone lost their knockback. I am not a fan of loss of control mechanics in any way. ESPECIALLY when they are undodgeable.

I think a more fair adjustment would be to make hunter traps visible and have a 2-second “setup” time.

People don’t use sniper shot in arena, its a BG only ability. It’s also (partially) why people complain about hunters in BGs, as it is % based and gives range. Remove it and that helps control hunters in BGS. We still have double tap, but we are much more in line in BGs.

removal of knockbacks, root arrow, turtle shell, movement abilities are all terrible suggestions, and completely ignore arena. These are all bad suggestions. The entire point of hunter is supposed to be a kite class that is squishy if you can get on it.

i get on you, and then you hit turtle, root me and run away damaging me to death while still turtled.

im asking for either a tradeoff where you are unable to attack while invulnerable, or your shell is poppable like bubble and iceblock. why does hunter and hunter alone get to have a 100% immunity defensive with 0 drawback and 0 counter? on top of already having great mobility, great control, great cc, great damage and multiple brain dead viable specs.

you can’t have all strengths and no weaknesses.

It sounds like you’re having an issues 1v1 hunters in BGs. But again, this isn’t a 1v1 game. Hunter issues in BGs are not about turtle, its about the long range damage output from stealth.

The base ability of turtle actually doesn’t let you attack in it BTW

then there is no issue with half your toolkit moving to a tinker class. you can pair with them to be whole again on a team.

No. I’m sorry you seem to not like hunter, but your ideas have been bad.

Lets remove dk grip and self healing for no other reason than “i don’t like them”

they already did, grip is either DR’d or overruled by so many things now most experienced dks only use it reliably as a close range interrupt. and they did remove our self healing for over a year, had to add some back because there was only like 90 dks total on the ladder.

and again, you haven’t really answered to the fact that hunter basically is all strengths and no weaknesses. your example of being a glass cannon that kites and dies when you catch them is objectively untrue atm.

why should some of your utility and control be pruned down and given to a tinker class? this introduces some balance to hunter while also providing a direction for tinker to be designed around.

You can’t attack while turtled. Aspect of the Turtle is one of the weaker defensives in the game and is only considered good when used in unison with Craven.

what are your pets doing?

put away for 10% more pew pew!

what about bm?

Tickling my enemies, mostly. Without kill command, the buffs from my barbed shot, or bestial wrath, their damage is ~2k dps at best. Pets survivability has already been nerfed out of existence and most classes can kill a pet with 1-2 hits. My pets damage is dependant on my rotation.

Pets are immortal now. And if you goof up and they somehow die you’ve never had an easier way to resurrect them.

My spirit beasts live forever. My Devilsaur dies constantly. It’s even worse when I switch to MM or Survival. I also wreck hunters pets regularly on my other max-level toons. True it is fairly easy to rez my pet as long as I’m not being focused. But if we are going on how much damage a toon can cause when they aren’t being focused, then rezing a pet falls pretty low on the list.