Hunters are not OP and don't deserve any more nerf

i just logged onto the forums and it put me on this dude, i have no idea how to show different characters.
which alt? in 2s or 3s? i have both, for both characters. naming the people doesnt mean you didnt get boosted. but cool story bro, none the less congrats on getting 2.1 while u sit the rating then accuse everyone else who plays equally or better than you that they bought rating.

If you don’t think OP is a self-play then you know nothing about this game, BM main. lol Oh man, you’re a lifetime challenger player who just hit Duelist this season–what a legend. I smell self-play on your account too, bro. xD


Someone tried to hide on an alt and it didn’t work. #Busted!

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hes a bm hunter, its paired with one of the strongest comps in the game, jungle. or cupid at lower ratings. its not hard to believe that he did it himself.

LMAO WHAT, bro you’re 1800 across all of your 10 60s, you cant even hit 2k on 9/10 of them and you’re talking to me about duelist. gtfo here lmaooo. also those titles didnt start getting added till way later. i had hit atleast 2k in cata/wrath, on multiple toons.

I see the person in Discord who said you were bad and rage hard after you started QQing at me was right. Look how mad you are, self-play McGhee.

Man. So much rating flaming here. Ur rating means nothing if ur a rogue mage druid monk priest warlock pally shaman death knight hunter or demon hunter

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oh really? very strange cause i only que with my friends and i literally never rage while doing arenas lmao. good job changing the topic king rival. keep in mind i wasnt the one calling people out for boosting either. how convenient you “see” a person in discord who said i was bad, one of the only times i go to the forums in the 13 years. strange…

For the same reason why you enjoyed 1/2 second casts on your Chaos Bolts the last two seasons of BFA.

Of course you weren’t, it would make you a hypocrite to talk ill of other RMT boosted players.

im over 2.1 in 2s and 3s on my hunter and priest. so let me get this straight, you think i paid for 4 boosts? making both 2.1on 3s useless if i bought them… doesnt make sense.

Over 2.1 in 2’s and 3’s on TWO characters? You’ll have to excuse me, I had no idea I was dealing with such a formidable arena player.

What were we talking about again? I forgot the subject matter in the midst of being so impressed with you.

once again, i was not the one who brought rating up. you did, accusing me of boosting. good grief you must be a young kid.

We were talking about your rating?

youre not one of those turds who just runs around accusing people of boosting when they beat you, are you?

i think you just accused yourself of

like i know you meant to reply to doors, but you done goofed and imo, its the most truest thing ive seen you post so far.


If he mentions 2.1 a couple more times I’m just going to assume he’s a Dozer alt.

he accused me 2 or 3 times already. then mentions why are you talking about 2.1… hes a walking hypocrite.

yes all of my replies are meant to be @doors.

See? The guy can’t help himself. Lol

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i would too. it makes sense in this context.

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hm ok. argueing w/ people on the forums is a joke. im outie.