Hunters are not OP and don’t deserve any more nerf.
Hunters are not OP. If any non-hunters don’t believe it, roll a hunter and you can find out why. Roll a hunter, play it to 1400, 1600 or a bit higher, then you can see a clear picture. A tip: hunter is by far the easiest class to level.
Yes hunters are good in completely open field, they can kite. In closed areas such as a towers in AV, tunnels in WSG and any other closed areas, they are sitting ducks to all classes. I always stay in open field so I can protect myself.
Hunters are squishy, I am a hunter, which class do I kill first? Hunters, they are easy kills and others hunters also always kill me first as I am an easy target for them.
Hunters are good in random BGs, because BGs are often open fields and hunters got more space to kite and escape.
They are mediocre in RBGs and arenas. Look at the meta, look at the ladders, they are under-represented as a class comparing to warriors, druids, paladins, monks, rogues, mages etc.
I think they are op but I like them more than rogues or fire mages
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Hunters are OP, however, in a world with WW, Arms, Ret, DK, DH, they feel not as strong.
Isn’t there a talent where you can shoot through the walls in all these situations……
Marksman venthyr feels so much fun to play. Although it gets it’s bent by sub rogue and warrior most times it’s so satisfying to blow up people even in full duelist. I don’t think it’s the same level of oppressive as bm but it’s definitely viable.
Agree. i like survival much better than the other two specs. plate is surprised when i burn them down.
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Why do people with paid 3’s boosts keep making asinine ‘my class doesn’t need nerfed/needs more help’ threads?
Hunter is definitely OP. Every hunter spec is good, and BM/MM are brainless specs where you can mess up every single setup and still win games, along with craven which automatically makes them very, very tanky.
In random bgs they are really really annoying. Especially the marksman. They shoot 25k arrows at you through walls and from insane range. It’s extremely obnoxious.
That’s why people don’t like hunters in bgs. It’s not because it’s the best class ever. It’s just not fun to deal with. At least, that’s my point of view.
The class I’d 100% gut before hunters though, would be feral druids.
Bring back the dead zone for BM and MM.
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I would agree with OP regarding hunters at max level but it’s a bit rediculous that 8/10 top damage all belong to hunters from level 10 right through to 59.
8/10 is a bit exaggerated but it’s not far off from the truth.
My main is a hunter and the class is clearly a poison to the bg environment until max level.
If you’re gonna nerf them, nerf them in the lower brackets where they need it.
im starting to see double MM hunter in rbgs. please. utterly destroy this brain dead class.
You have to be Kyrian for it.
Wrong, wrong, and wrong.
Why is it okay for an MM hunter to burst me behind a pillar with two 14k aimed shots, a 24k explosive shot, and not have any counterplay available to that. He can do that damage at range…even more range with their mastery…why is it fair for you guys to get to do that?
You have the most broken legendary in the game, Craven, and you have a free get out of jail card with infinite stuns and cc and turtle, yet you complain that they’re weak.
They’re not. I’ve seen hunters one tap monks, warriors, mages, warlocks, dk’s, evERYTHING. This needs counterplay.
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- You’re bad and boosted.
- You’re bad and boosted.
- You’re bad and boosted.
- You’re bad and boosted.
- You’re bad and boosted.
This I can agree with, maybe not gutted but feral is just too good at too many things.
Which seem to be all the Hunters right now… and why not . Shoot through walls…. Jeez
UnLOSable and uninterruptible 40k Aimed Shots with Resonating Arrow. Two button rotations with Aimed Shot/Rapid Fire and Corbra Shot/Kill Command, rivals DH for simplicity. Undispellable Aspect of the Turtle. Bursting Shot and Freezing Shot on too short of cooldowns. The closed area argument isn’t unique to Hunters, that applies to all ranged and healers. Hunters aren’t squishy enough with Exhilaration and Aspect of the Cheetah. They have an incredibly nasty habit of seeking out specifically healers, moreso than Warriors and Rogues, and that’s WITH their lower representation. So, may the spit of your enemies forever wash over your character’s corpse.
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I mean if MM couldn’t burst you to 0 in 2-3 abilities at a range far outside cast ranges, they wouldn’t be so bad.
As a demo player, it bothers me how much more variety BMs can have with their kit while Demos get nothing like them when they’re practically the same thing except one is physical and one is magic. I just don’t get it. But that’s my opinion on them.
Eh, I personally stuck with Night Fae. Even with the changes, I found no point in switching covenants.
the “fresh 2.1 carry” sits 2.1 all season and then mentions paid boosts while all his other alts sit 1.8. sus.
Imagine getting on an alt to try me out. lol I can name the people I play with, can you?