"Hunter worst class in game"

They need to fix our lack of defensives issue (easy) or fix mobility creep bloat (hard).

Easy fixes:

  1. Delete Exhilaration, 30% health on a 2 min cooldown is a joke. Either add a craven legendary effect to it and lower cd or swap with a Mending Bandage (also fits class fantasy).
  2. SotF even with -40% talent is useless in current meta and 3 min cd doesn’t make sense for such a weak ability. Imho it should be a passive that reduces damage taken by 20% (maybe only physical, because we already have 20% magical damage reduction pvp talent, rarely taken though).
  3. Aspect of the Turtle - very long cooldown with a really long duration. Would be great to cut its cooldown and duration by half (1-1.5 min cd, 4-5sec duration). There is no reason to sit entire duration in 90% of cases and have to cancel it anyways. With shorter cd and duration and will be similar to old Deterrence.

Hard fixes:
In dragonflight most melee classes got a lot of mobility abilities that previously they didn’t have access to. Hunter started to lose the mobility race and we can’t kite anymore.

For example, fury warrior now have 2 charges, heroic leap, avatar that removes roots and avatar proc from odyn’s fury. Other melee specs (except poor rets) have similar mobility. What makes it even worse is that there are a ton of pets (shaman elementals, dk ghouls, demo warlock, etc) and it makes steel trap useless against certain comps (good luck trying to aim it against udk/demo/healer comp).

So if they want hunters to operate according to previous expansions and class fantasy, they need to do with this mobility creep issue. Or just add more mobility to hunter so we can win in this arms race (e.g. reset disengage cooldown if you have taken 20-40% damage of your health pool).

There not going give us more mobility it angered rest the classes who wanted a chance to kill us. Maybe buff some CD. But they just need give us some cookie cutter heals and defensives with thematic name.

This is a rabbit hole I went down and looked. Deterrence became turtle… and its been modified a lot.

Something I started looking at though was Deflection and counterattack. At least on a pvp level it would interesting for that to come back.

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I would be happy with actually getting Leech from abilities like we should as BM we get Leech but only works with our abilities should be tied in with Pet abilities also since they give us the leech and our pets do most of our dmg. Kinda silly to have leech and gain literally nothing from it at all, Exhiliration should be on a shorter cooldown for sure 1 minute or so.

It’s self evident.

Try 30 seconds… warriors get a 30% heal every 25 seconds, plus all their other healing.

Tbf, his comments on Survival are typically no less misinformed/uninformed/malformed as those on Marksmanship.

It feels like our best bet in that range would be a multi-charge short-ish CD (30-45s) more akin to Spell Reflect, but usable on almost anything (instead of just spells, obviously).

That said, would also love to see Lust made baseline via a Hunter skill and for Tenacity’s passive and ability to each get a bit of a buff and Ferocity to get some new, say, party-wide bursty Leech ability.

Personally id like to see deflection and counter attack make a comeback.

This isnt accurate. We get a 30% and can put points to add an additional 20% over 6 seconds. Thats half our health. Either they can tune the cooldown reduction of 12 focus for 1 second, or look at our defenses.

A 5% parry chance increase (only ever really taken for the reduced Disarm duration) on a class without base parry, and a 5s root that requires a parry (not breakable by damage, but still removable by your typical root-breakers)?

We’d have only that 5% chance to trigger Counterattack, it’d be removable by skills like Avatar, BoF, MC, shapeshifting, etc., and it only lasted 5 seconds anyways.

We’d want something far better and, especially, less RNG than that, I would think.

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Not disagreeing with you. But its a start.

Would be nice to have a disarm again as well as our stings.

People calling for that sort of thing have trouble understanding that something that was of moderate strength in classic WoW PvP might hold up badly and be useless in modern WoW given the sheer increase in capability of every class.


Hard to say. i mean MM have good damage in AoE but needs a lot of healing attention. Like a lot! We need better def or more self healing. Or shorter Def CD but no the trutle is bad. Can’t attach at all and you still TAKE Damage like posion or DoT

They are not wrong. Hunters prob are the worse class for a long time PVE wise, they bring nothing they have bad defensives and rely heavily on being overtuned.

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??? They are talking about High keys, what does this even mean. Are you talking about questing or world quests or something?

Low aoe and low self healing makes it difficult to do mythic+