Hunter undead pets

So I managed to get the simple tome of bone binding off my first mob in maladraxus yesterday and was totally jazzed to click learn right away. Immediately went and did the secrets of ragefire to find out the flame hound says untameable. ran the script for undead and it says No like I never learned the thing. I even spent an hour trying to farm the tome again but I know it won’t drop twice for hunters and I definitely know I got it yesterday. I submitted a ticket but it just gave a generic response (so annoying). Can blizz view the things I looted and just restore it for me? I did reply to the ticket but like no one answered.

Petopia has all the undead pets hunters can tame some hounds indeed are not tamable while most are.

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Our of curiosity, Atala, what script did you run to check?

For confirmation, yes, you have the flag that should allow you to tame undead pets. …As Vulpeslupus mentioned though, not every undead beast in the game will be tamable.

Doublecheck with sites like Petopia to see if you may be targeting one that cannot be tamed.


…aren’t they in plain ol’ Ragefire Chasm, tho’?

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Ok did bit of checking and only one hound that is undead is tamable in the scenario and taming it breaks the scenario the same hound is found in many easier to tame places as well.

My suggestion is if you want that color and style Adolescent Flame Hound in regular Ragefire is the exact same I would try and tame that one.

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You want normal Ragefire. The normal dungeon.



Thank you!