Hunter transmog that makes me look like a hunter?

Are there any transmog sets or outfits that actually make you look/feel like a hunter? The class fantasy that bliz pushes is a master of the wilds who spends their days out in the wilderness, blending into the environment and living off the land, yet all the gear that’s offered doesn’t reflect that in the slightest. It’s all huge, bulky, glowing sets with lots of skulls and metal. It makes me feel more like a warrior than a hunter. The only sets that look like something a hunter would wear are all leather sets, most of them for Druids.

The shamans at least get their theming right, why do hunters never seem to get it done well, even as the most popular class in the game?



Welcome to the life of a hunter, it’s either wear rejected plate gear or play another class.


Ever since 2004 hunter sets have been absolutely atrocious clown outfits.

I would recommend the warlords of draenor blue pvp gear. It has a knife on the belt, it’s all earthy tones and it looks very hunterish.


Yeah that’s pretty much exactly how they look. I’ve found that if you mess around a bit with some lower level stuff you can put together a transmog outfit that looks decent at least, but even then you have to use a couple of leather items to seal the deal.

Even the class hall set looks ridiculous. Like, really, a screaming wolf and a giant metal headpiece?

I wish we could xmog leather items at least. I feel like the designers came to mail gear and were like “…nah”


Although we hunters havent received too much love over the ages (actually I guess we’re the class that has the most stupid weirds sets out there) I Do not quite agree.

Legion’s Nighthold has the best Hunter’s transmog set so far released IMHO.

Also Trial of Valor from same exp. And you had a couple of good-looking sets at BFA - added to the forsaken themed set from the forsaken vs elves scenario (I’m talking from a horde pov, but also at alliance side you get cool sets)

Actually , my character icon hasn’t updated but I’ve just transmoged my set for a cool hunter style one.


Does anyone else find it ridiculous that hunters wear mail gear in the first place? Why would a hunter out in the wilderness be sporting mail. If it were up to me, the mail armor class would just be eliminated and hunters/shaman could use leather.


Yes, 100% yes, thank you! I don’t know why the mail class is there to begin with. Just merge it into a single heavy armor class and put shamans and hunters into leather pls.


shifting from mail to leather would drown our survability to the abyss.
THOUGH, i would be nice to see some new things into the class, such as rogues, see that our stats scale better witht gear and bring more survavility options to the play style. Would this work or would this break our classes? i thing it would happen the second.

I think you overestimate the usefulness of armor rating.

That said, I have a really nice ranger/hunter set for mine. Belts got a knife on it, among other things. Mixup of a few sets. Hunter set sets look like trash.

Ardenweald has some nice ones (all feathers, leaves, and bark armor), Dalaran has some ranger-ish light cloth looking armor sets, etc. But yeah little if anything in mail screams “master of the wilds” for hunters, probably because it’d tromp on Druid’s claim to the theme…way too much overlap in many classes’ themes overall.

I guess it depends a bit on what race you’re playing as well as what exactly is your image of the hunter-fantasy.

The link/image below is my character and I like to think that this set very much captures the essence of the above. The crossbow sits very well when placed on the back as well, while not used in combat.

Link(good quality image):


my xmog feels pretty hunter/marksman imo, not sure how to post it though. Boni-Fenris on armory


Tauren / hm tauren racial armor. Not sure what other races are supposed to do.

There are sets that aren’t huge and bulky…

I use the legion artifact bow with the quiver as my weapon transmog then I just try and put together armor transmogs that look good with that weapon.

I agree, they need to give us some of the leather looks for our mail armor. For example that brown expedition set from (I think) Outland is simple but looks like a hunter/ranger would wear it.

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The Night Fae Hunter sets look very naturey. Check my profile. I can understand that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but it doesn’t make you look like a stormtrooper instead of a hunter.

For other options, I find you often have to go all the way back to Wrath/BC/Vanilla greens/blues – there were a lot of them out there in that period that were much more understated and “huntery” than the flashy tier sets.

That’s all infinitely adjustable, or the three leather-wearing tanks wouldn’t be viable. Nowadays, the armor type is just an aesthetic. They can build whatever amount of survivability they like into the class/spec. bonuses.

Your transmog looks good. Of course, we all go hunting with a Streetsweeper (j/k, I love the Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle, but that huge-caliber rotary magazine says more “level everything in sight” than “sniper” to me). :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

BTW, clicking on anyone’s name in a forum post brings up a link to their character profile.

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I really don’t know why they don’t have more sets that incorporate a hood and have a more classic ranger look. The few sets where they’ve flirted with that are favorites of mine, but they’ve never really leaned into it as hard as I’d like.