Now hear me out, this is only an idea. I think it would be super cool if this was a viable thing seeing as our pets already tank anyways but now we could make it possible for dungeons and maybe raids! For BM, have like a stance change where the hunter switches with the pet kinda like a much better version of eyes of the beast. The hunter becomes the pet using simple shots and occasionally cast mend pet. The pet takes over as the playable character and use them to tank instances. Maybe some more thought put into this could be done sure, but I think it could be alot of fun! Open for criticism of course.
Now hear me out
No. Just stop.
Dude. What
No. Never. Please stop. If Blizz wants to make a 4th spec fine, but leave BM as DPS. We don’t want to be tanks!
EDIT: With this sort of post I usually don’t read them (because no amount of reasoning makes “Hunter Tank” acceptable), which meant I missed the name of the poster before I replied. For those who are unaware, Metroid is a troll who posts pure bait all the time. This suggestion isn’t a serious one.
idk man, I kinda like this idea. I might play a hunter if this was the case for BM. Specs boring this might spice it up.
I’d rather you stick to your own class, then. As an actual Hunter main I don’t find it boring and I’ll be damned if this class loses yet another spec to an ill-advised attempt to appeal to people outside the class who most likely won’t reroll anyway.
To be clear, that’s just one of metroid’s alts. You can check the achievements, the FOS all having the same dates and what not make it pretty obvious.
No need to respond to him.
Good to know, thanks. I’ve added both those toons to the ignore list. I’ll be on the lookout for others.
No thanks. If I want to tank I will play my paladin.
what about turning BM into a grandma-themed spec?
Bestial Wrath could be that old-person adrenaline rush that lets them lift their cars off grandchildren
Their pets could be their nurses from the home
Cobra shot shoots their dentures
Barbed shot shoots sewing needles
Kill command could cause their orderlies to attempt to pull the enemies’ plugs
Really convincing feign deaths
Surprise surprise, Metroid has a youtube channel.
As much as he is proudly uninformed and ignorant of the topic as a whole (in the video he claims that Survival was always more focused on melee and that ranged SV and current MM are the same), he seems to at least have genuine opinions on the topic. So you have to wonder why he dedicates all his time on the forums to immature baiting and trolling.
EDIT: My favourite part is about 7-8 mins in. “You can play Survival fine as ranged! This is my ranged build. I even took it to a M+10! Sure, I did less damage than everyone but I didn’t even die once!”.
It does seem like he genuinely thinks BM should be melee, though, so there’s no excuse for having such god-awful takes on all things Hunter design other than just not having the mindset for this sort of thing.
Bepples, this is totally unrelated, but I have to wonder. How did you even find that? Lol
A) I’ve actually seen the channel before but he primarily did Classic videos. With this one he recently uploaded he has his SL character on screen.
B) To be honest, I was looking on Youtube for recent bad SV takes. The WoW Youtube community seems to be way more pro melee SV than the forums and in-game; there seems to be a general attitude that Survival is the poor downtrodden underdog that’s never been given a chance. I see it on the WoW subreddit as well. So there are plenty of garbage takes out there so every now and then I go through them.
The subreddit I find is hit or miss. Sometimes they seem to give the view you’re saying, and other times it’s treated as a meme.
Personally, not a fan of the subreddit outside of memes as I don’t think it always facilitates good discussion with the upvote / downvotes.
Seriously. Bepples scares me a little sometimes with his talent for tracking down videos and what-not.
I can’t even fathom how he does this, even after his explanation. Lol.
it wasnt a secret.
I will say this @Metroîd , you do seem to be sincere however ignorant in that video, meaning not a deliberate troll. And yes, that is what you’re projecting through your way of speaking, what words you choose. It sounds as if you’re confused/uninformed as to what history and past design actually did for the class. How it applied to practical use, as well as from a fantasy standpoint. And it sounds as if you’re not open to people explaining what it is that they actually want or why they would want it over what we have right now.
In short, you don’t seem to care about the actual intent of the design as much as the parts you were interested in. And if the rest of the spec/class did not complement your way of playing, you just chose to ignore it.
Example, here’s some of what you said in the video you uploaded(I left out the laughs in the middle of sentences and similar)
You’ll find my thoughts/answers after the quotes.
Metroîd: Hello everybody.
So, if you play Survival, or if you know anybody who plays Survival, you’ve probably heard…I don’t know…at least 3/5ths of the entire WoW population that actually plays this class really doesn’t like the fact that it’s now melee.
But the thing is that Survival for the most part has always been a melee-spec. It’s been like that since Vanilla. Like, if you look at the old talent trees back from Classic, it’s literally aimed towards, you know, keeping yourself alive but also focusing on melee instead of ranged offensive abilities. And…I don’t really understand why people are so uptight about a hunter playing a little bit different than the other two specs. Because for many many years, like, pretty much all the hunter specs were, well, they were almost pretty much the same. I mean sure, you have your similarities and you have your differences but I think that’s why the hunter was always pretty much the noob class because all three specs no matter which one you picked are…it’s like all the same playstyle.
The thing about the class during Vanilla and TBC(and WotLK, sort of), was that it did not have dedicated Core Specializations to define how you played. You essentially only had 1 core playstyle for the entire class and then you had 3 different talent categories all focusing on various parts of the core class toolkit/features.
And either way, the Survival-category focused mostly on improved defensive capabilities along with better/more utility.
No matter what you picked in any category/talent tree, you still had that core toolkit to take into consideration. The design of the class WAS focusing on, and intended for us to focus on ranged combat over anything else, whenever possible.
Whether you actually chose to do so or not, is irrelevant here.
I mean, more or less, I know Beast Mastery focus on your pets and you know, Marksman is just pretty much just going pew pew. Survival is about playing traps and using Explosive Shot and Black Arrow but, at the end of the day…what’s the real difference? Like, every spec I played as a hunter…I already knew what I was doing because it’s all the same sh1t.
Why do you continue saying that it was all the same, while at the same time you proceed to start listing things that made each playstyle different from one another? Both on a mechanical-/fantasy-level.
Anyway, it’s not about 1 single ability/element. It’s about everything put together. What it all amounted to once combined.
Like, Survival has always been my favorite spec in this game since the very first time I ever played, when I first picked my hunter. That’s what I went for, I went for Survival. Now I know Survival has never really been the best, I think for the most part it’s been Marksman but…I don’t know. So like, every time I get on the forums everyone’s complaining, wanting Survival to go back to being ranged when…I just don’t understand why they just won’t play Marksman which for the most part, it’s the same thing. And I know a lot of people will disagree with me but, it (Marksman) really is. Like…I’m sorry, I may not be playing at mythic Sire Denathrius’ levels of content or at 3000 arena rating but it’s the same f**ing playstyle. Like, you’re not using your traps as much when playing Marksman but…it was the same thing.
(skipped the part about changes you want for current SV along with the part where you talk about your focus on PvP vs. PvE. gear and stats)
Here it sounds as if you’re talking about how we played during Vanilla and TBC. Which is irrelevant to the topic of RSV. Again, we had no dedicated core playstyles to pick between back then.
I kind of like that Survival in a sense is like Unholy Death Knight, where you can do both ranged and melee, kinda like a hybrid. I mean, it has always really been like that, I’ve always appreciated that about it because you can basically pick your playstyle.
Everyone’s got it in their head that they are going to be the next f**ing gladiator but you know like 99% of the who are like egotistical and they’re very toxic on the online forums or on Facebook or…just in the WoW community in general, you know, they’re no better than the Youtube-person making the video you’re watching right now.
(skipped your tangent on choosing a covenant and how it ties into your idea of fun, and your experience facing other hunters/players in BGs etc.)
Survival has NEVER been a true hybrid. The term “hybrid” here implies that you can achieve a competitive playstyle no matter how you play/played it, which simply isn’t true.
You choosing to play a certain way when in the open world or doing random stuff…sure, it’s how you want to play, but it has nothing to do with the actual intent of the design and how it played when applied correctly to end-game content.
I always liked melee hunter a lot more than ranged and…if we’re being honest, what I actually liked more than melee hunter was the “spell hunter-build” from Classic WoW, I really enjoyed doing that. I actually migrated my entire character progression into playing “spell hunter” as a meme because at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter, you’re still gonna clear the content anyways. I mean, sure, I might not be giving my all, my 100% but hunters aren’t really that f**ing good in Classic anyways…
Again, your personal way of playing, your personal preferences, have nothing to do with the actual intent of the design of the class itself.
Second, again, the topic of RSV has nothing to do with Classic/Vanilla. We had no actual core specs back then, no dedicated optional playstyles to pick between.
In my opinion, leave Survival alone, don’t complain that it’s not ranged anymore. I mean like, look, you can literally just grab a bow and arrow and, you can actually make a build…
You went on to show how you could focus on the ranged aspects of current Survival, while leaving out the melee-aspects. You declared that “the damage isn’t that great, but it’s still doable”, and that you’ve done a M+10 with it in which you did low damage but never died. You mentioned how noone seemed to notice that you were playing Survival as ranged.
Same as above really, “method of playing” is irrelevant when determining “intent of design”. Past, present, and future design…
You also go on to say:
If I had an opinion on changing anything with our specs, I think I’ve said it already, like melee-tanking, I think tanking should be for Beast Mastery. I honestly don’t understand why we haven’t done that yet. I think the game needs more tanks. We got a lot of healers, melee, and we got a few ranged classes. I don’t see why we don’t have it as a tank spec because for a hunter it’s pretty much a tank spec unless you’re doing group content with other players and then suddenly it’s just a DPS spec.
(skipped your tangent on how you want to play as a hunter in Classic)
It’s not a tank spec because the class wasn’t designed to be a hybrid class. The intent was for us to be damage dealers in progression/end-game content based on playing with others. They specifically designed it so our pets would tank for us when doing solo-/open world-content.
You continued by saying:
Yeah, leave Survival melee, leave it alone. We don’t need all 3 specs being ranged. I already know anybody who watches this video, probably 90% of them are gonna disagree with me in some way because they’re really salty about losing Explosive Shot - which is in Marksman now, so, it’s not you’re really missing anything.
You then went on to tell disagreeing viewers in a patronizing and snide way they should just respec to Marskman, demonstrating how one goes about respeccing in the game. Also showing that you don’t actually know anything about Marksman as you haven’t played it, because you hate it, because you only really like melee hunter(your words).
Yes, I agree, leave Survival as a melee-spec. Give us a 4th spec for RSV to come back.
Like I said above, it’s not just about a single ability/element. It’s about everything combined. Secondly, Explosive Shot for Marksmanship is not designed to function even remotely the same as it did for RSV. You would know this if you actually try to play Marksmanship.
Your closing statement was pretty much a repeat of earlier:
If you miss all these shots, then Marksman is pretty much your go-to. I mean, I don’t really care, all the specs were pretty much the same back in the day. It just depended on, especially in the WotLK-era, like, my god…
To summarize…
Pretty much everything you’ve said, screams how you prefer to stay ignorant, how you prefer to dismiss what other players actually want in favor of your own biased opinion.
On one hand, you have repeatedly talked about how similar BM/MM/SV were, but whenever you do so, you seem to focus on the Vanilla/TBC-era, which again, is irrelevant to the discussion. On the other hand, you also mention abilities/effects that did their part to making each spec different, but you don’t seem to care that they were actually a thing?
You do ask what others think/want, but at the same time, you don’t seem open to what others are actually saying. At least not so far.
And you wonder why you and Bepples are considered nothing but meme trolls. Imagine the crying and flagging of posts if someone threw personal insults out like you two do. Burying the insults in a literal forum book doesn’t change that fact.
The shear hypocrisy is astounding.
You do know that nothing of what I said in the previous reply can be defined as trolling or an insult, do you?
Saying that he is “ignorant” or “uninformed” is a combination of how he repeatedly outright ignores actual class design and gameplay for his own “method” of playing the game.
He is ofc free to play however he wants to, but you can’t(should not) use that as a basis for arguments of what should and should not happen to a class. Especially not when it literally ignores the majority of the intent of the class as a whole.
Name one example…